Ultimate Party Meatballs

I received Heinz®, Johnsonville® and Ocean Spray® products in exchange for sharing this recipe. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Our daughter loves meatballs.  It’s one of her favorite foods to eat.  Maybe because they’re a “mini” food, I don’t know but if meatballs are on the menu, she’s a happy girl.  Last May when her BFF graduated from high school, at her open house party there was a slow cooker full of meatballs.  Amber was in heaven, as a matter of fact she was talking about those meatballs all summer (yeah, she needs some more extra curricular activities apparently).  So I caved and asked what the recipe was.  Much to my surprise it was simply the recipe on the back of a Heinz Chili Sauce bottle which include that, some canned Ocean Spray Jellied Cranberry Sauce and Johnsonville Classic Italian Meatballs <– frozen ones no less.  I mean how much simpler can the ultimate party meatballs be to make?!

Fast forward 5 months and I was asked to make the recipe and share the results with you.   TA DA!

These meatballs are perfect for just about anything from dinner at home, parties, and game days.  You name it these meatballs will get eaten up!  I love that there are a couple of ways to make them too (although admittedly the slow cooker way is my favorite, since it’s a fix it and forget type deal!).  We’ve been invited to a potluck in a couple of weeks, and I already know I’m going to be bringing these along to it!

Have you ever made the Ultimate Party Meatballs before?   If not, I encourage you to; three ingredients = total tastiness!

20 thoughts on “Ultimate Party Meatballs

  1. I'm going to have to try making these! I hate making meatballs but my girls love them too. Easy weeknight dinner addition 🙂

    1. I’d say about 6-8 if you’re doing them for appetizers, probably around 4 if for a meal

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