Skillet Bacon-Feta Frittata Recipe – #BlogEats

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I generally don’t go all out for breakfast in our home.  I did make Pecan Sticky Buns and Banana Bread last week, but that’s unusual.  It’s every man for himself for that meal, and usually for me that means cereal or toast.

At the BlogEats Conference the Kraft Innovation Kitchen served up a number of dishes for us, using their product lines and one of them was this Skillet Bacon-Feta Frittata.  I’m amazed at how when there is a well thought out recipe and pairing of tastes, foods I normally would never eat, taste so good.  I’m not normally a feta girl…but this frittata had me wanting seconds!

I was invited to participate in a behind-the-scenes blogger conference with the Kraft Kitchens, for which Kraft provided full travel expenses, meals and accommodations and product samples, coupons and premiums, however my opinions are completely my own and I have not been compensated to publish positive or negative reviews of the event or products associated with my experience.

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