Master Lock Key Storage Lock Give Away ~ Live Secure

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I know there are days when many of us would like to go back in time.  To the sleepy, little towns where you could leave your doors unlocked, and never lose a bit of peace that someone would come in and loot everything in your home.  I know I’m being a bit idealistic here, but the truth is that in days gone by that’s really how it felt.

Today it doesn’t matter if you live in a city of 100,000, 1 million or 10 million, your home is the target of criminals.  But what do you do when someone you trust needs access to your home and you’re not available to let them in?

Enter the Master Lock Key Storage Lock.

“For whom or why would I need this?”, you ask.  Well it’s something that’s useful if you have a number of trusted people that come to your home to do work or perform services if you aren’t going to be at home.  House cleaning, home care, pet sitters, even your own children when they lose or forget their own key!

Its solid die cast body is reinforced to withstand hammering and sawing, so you know it’s secure for only those people you want using it.  It also is outfitted with a molded bumper and the shackle is vinyl coated so it prevents scratching up your door.

This is how it works.  You pull down the shutter door (which protects the combination dials from weather, dirt and grime), and rotate the dial to your code.

Press down on the release switch and the door swings open revealing the spot where up to five keys will fit. 

Resetting the combination is easy as well if you find the need to change it for any reason.

The Key Storage Lock is only one of the many ways that Master Lock can help your family Live Secure.  The Live Secure Safety Squad site is a good destination to see how other families use the protection of Master Lock products.

Where to buy the Key Storage Lock: for $21.87 as well as other online and offline retailers (including Lowe’s).

As part of the Master Lock Live Secure Safety Squad I have received products for my family to use in my home for our safety and security.  Any opinions I share in posts related to the Live Security Squad and Master Lock are my own and aren’t influenced by products I’ve received.

One reader will win a Master Lock Key Storage Lock.

(Yes…it’s another new giveaway form, LOL – I’ve had some readers tell me they don’t care for the PromoSimple one, so I’m trying the Giveaway Tools one to see how it goes…You only have to verify your Twitter and Facebook accounts with the apps in the entries  once, so after you do that it should be pretty simple to use going forward I do care what my readers think though, so if you’re hugely opposed to this let me know, and I’ll switch back!)

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