For those who are interested in creating photo books, you may want to check out the new SMARTFIT Technology being used by Kodak Gallery. To fully understand how you can create unique photo books, with a little help from SMARTFIT by way of placing and organizing photos, you really need to try it out yourself, but I will try and give you an idea of how it works.
The first thing you do is choose the size of book you want, small, medium or large, and then you choose your cover style. Once you’ve done that, the interface will load.
The system will prompt you to sign in/join or upload photos, and suggest you select at least 20 photos to begin. When you’ve selected your photos, it will proceed to upload them.
Then you click on which photos you want to use, and it will automatically add them to the tray. Then you press continue.
Voila ~ SMARTFIT has now added your pictures into the book for you. If you want to change their placement you can just drag and drop them, or you can arrange your photos by date taken, or album order if you’ve pictures from more than one album upload. If you want to add a caption you just double click the photo. Here’s a short video showing you how it works.
If the photos are too low of a resolution you’ll get a warning sign. You can either replace them with other photos, or resize them until the print quality won’t render them pixelated.
You can change the backgrounds, or photo layouts and add borders if you like as well.
The number one thing you have to do is SAVE YOUR WORK. I started creating a photo book full of holiday recipes. I uploaded my photos, added captions and recipes, changed backgrounds, and then…my computer locked up. And you guessed it I had not saved. All that work gone…sigh. (Yoo hoo, Kodak… an auto save feature for people like me would be a nice addition….)
But then I had a brainstorm. Starting over I decided to make a photo book for my dear friend, who also happens to be the the leader of my daughter’s Girl Scout troop, using photos from the past couple of years of the girls’ activities. Since she also stalks my blog – SURPRISE!
I’m really happy with the book I was able to create (and friend I hope you are too!), and recommend the Kodak Gallery SMARTFIT photo books, especially if you don’t have time to create one from scratch, or you need a little bit of ‘inspired’ help on picture placement!
To learn more about SMARTFIT Technology visit
Disclosure: In accordance to the FTC Guidelines and WOMMA Code of Ethics, I am disclosing that although I have a material connection to Kodak, any publicly stated opinions of Kodak Gallery, their photo books or SMARTFIT Technology remain my own.
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