Happy National Ice Cream Month! Give Away

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Can you believe we’re almost at the end of July?! Wow the summer is just flying by. But it’s not over yet we still have a week left to celebrate National Ice Cream Month. Politics aside, one has to admit that 28 years ago, President Ronald Reagan did the country a service when he designated July as National Ice Cream Month.

And what better way to celebrate than with a pint of Starbucks ice cream? No matter what the occasion – this is the perfect addition to it.

I was informed that Starbucks ice cream has a new flavor “Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino”, which sounds great, alas I could not find it stocked at our stores yet, but you can be sure I’ll be on the lookout for it!

Here are a couple of flavors that I picked up at the store last week though.

Here’s the Caramel Macchiato flavor:

Yes I have a PINT mug to put my ice cream in….it’s a way to keep my hands warm and my ice cream cold! Of course it doesn’t do much for portion control .

Since a whopping 90% of the US consumes ice cream, more than 50% of Americans drink coffee everyday and we consume about 20% of the world consumption of cocoa each year….I think it’s safe to say that Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino ice cream would be the flavor of choice for many!

At Starbucks their chefs have created new and exciting recipes for their customers too. Check out some of their recipes. (I am SO making the Caramel Macchiato Pumpkin Tart for Thanksgiving this year! ) Not only do they look delicious, but would be fun to serve for guests and are easy to make too. What’s not to love about that?

You can find more information about the products at StarbucksIceCream.com. Happy National Ice Cream Month!

I received complimentary coupons to try Starbucks Ice Cream.  All  opinions are my own.

Thanks to Starbucks Ice Cream we have a giveaway for two readers to each receive 2 Free product coupons for a pint of Starbucks Ice Cream.

To enter visit the recipe page on Starbucks Ice Cream and leave a comment with what you think is the best ice cream dessert recipe they have and the flavor used in it.  Then fill out the Giveaway Tools form.

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