If you want excitement, this is the place to head!
I pretty much lay low during this ride, grab a treat and sit on a wall and wait for the rest of my party to finish their fun, lol!
Hubby and Genius LOVE riding the Rock N’ Roller Coaster. You won’t catch me on that. Anything that goes upside down is definitely not on my agenda for the day.There is also the Twilight Zone’s Tower of Terror ride, or as Genius so affectionately calls it the “No thanks, I’ll take the stairs” ride. Now if I have remembered to take my Dramamine, this is a ride I’ll go on, however this is the one no one else in my family wants to ride with me! Somehow dropping 13 stories again, and again, is less harrowing for me than going 60mph and coasting upside down…go figure.
We all enjoy resting our feet, while watching the Beauty and the Beast show though. As with all Disney productions this mini Broadway show is enchanting and no matter how many times you see it, it’s just as charming as the first.
The highlight of Sunset Boulevard only happens a couple of nights a week now, and only at dusk, and that is the Fantasmic! show. Filled with lasers and fireworks, it is absolutely incredible. The best seats are available if you choose a dining package to go with it. It’s something we try not to miss!
To see other people’s strolls down Sunset Boulevard check out the Destination Disney Meme hosted at Reviews & Reflections.
We were there last April. My husband is the only one who went on the Rock N’ Roller Coaster, the kids and I chickened out. And no one did the Tower of Terror! Our favorite ride was Test Track
Great post!
Gracie’s hat has Joe Jonas on the front – it’s a Camp Rock hat – my girls are both Jonas Brothers fans.
Great post! I hate rollercoasters too but I love Rock’n’rollercoaster!
I love the Rock-n-Roller Coaster, but didn’t get to ride it this time. You probably would be fine on it because you don’t even have time to scream. It’s crazy!!
wow this is great photos of disney. We have been here as well. Our son want to go back on disney cruise, but we have to save up first. we have wonderful time on our vacation. Thanks for leaving your message in my blog http://www.lanieonline.com/2009/03/mommy-moments-5-summer-outing.html