Best New Kitchen Gadget of 2011: Recipe Rock – Gift Guide Pick – Giveaway

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Recipe Rock would make a great Christmas gift for the person you know who loves spending time in the kitchen. 

Recipe Rock is a specially created gadget that allows you to keep your recipes high and dry.

The Recipe Rock is actually very aesthetically pleasing to the eye.  It’s simple design is practical and easy to use.  You just remove the metal ball from the magnetic rock, place the pages upright in front of the rock and replace the ball on the rock with the papers in between.


It’s perfect for recipes from the internet, magazines and note-cards.  While it’s nice enough to leave out on your counter, it’s small enough to fit in a drawer or your recipe box if you don’t want it out.

Masterminding the Recipe Rock is Architec products.  The Recipe Rock is available at Crate & Barrel and specialty boutiques in black or red for just $9.99. 

One reader will win a Recipe Rock (color to be chosen by sponsor).

To enter the giveaway tell me in the Rafflecopter form below, what your favorite website is to print recipes from is.

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