Courtesy of arqueraI know many of my readers are really busy. Some of you homeschool, like I do. Some work outside the home, or are work at home moms (well I mean for pay, ALL moms are work at home moms!). Many of you are on the run constantly taking your kids to one activity or another.
So do you ever get just 10 minutes for yourself during the day? If you do, what do you do with that time? Watch t.v., surf the internet, read, exercise? Or is that the only time you have to shut the door and go to the bathroom in peace, LOL!?
I’m pretty fortunate with just one teenager and being able to stay home and homeschool her, I actually get a lot of “me” time. I spend most of that time blogging or doing social networking, something I enjoy doing a lot. Sometimes you’ll find me in front of the t.v. watching some of my favorite shows (the summer season of USA Network has started, that means Burn Notice and Royal Pains), while I eat my favorite snack of popcorn, I might be doing a daily quest in Northrend or battling Sindragosa (yes I’m a WoW junkie) or you’ll find me curled up on the couch reading a good book. When I’m feeling especially motivated, I may be reading that book on the treadmill, but that’s not too often (hee hee).
You’ll see in my sidebar, that this month, my JuiceBox widget’s sponsor is Sprint. They have just recently launched the ‘Gaming on the Now Network’, which is pretty cool. If you have 10 minutes to spare and are looking for a ‘brain boost’ you can check out the game they are promoting and learn more about the ‘Now Network’.
The launch of Sprint’s Gaming on the Now Network, brings the first wireless 4G network from a national carrier. I could see myself spending time on that while I’m waiting in the car when picking Amber up from events!
Sprint and JuiceBoxJungle have sponsored me to write about what “10 minutes a day” means to me. But I want to know, what “10 minutes a day” means to you!
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