Treat Gifts Giveaway

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Thank you to Treat for the cards & mugs I received for sharing this information and hosting the giveaway.  Any opinions stated are my own.  Learn more about Treat here! Published by Tammy Litke.


I’ve mentioned on my blog before about how much I enjoy giving personalized gifts.  Whether it is birthdays, anniversaries or holiday occasions, it really acknowledges to the recipient that you put extra thought into what you picked out for them.  I also like gifts like these because I can take my time finding just the right picture/statement/sentiment for it at home by shopping online, and not feel rushed and pressured to choose something in the store.  One of the places I like for personalized cards is Treat.

Early in January I made a card for my Dad using Treat.  My dad is a man of few words.  He doesn’t get excited about much.  It was so fun to hear that he couldn’t stop talking about the card I had made for his 75th birthday.  He even had it all set up at the party so everyone else could see it too!

What I could have done at checkout was also added a gift to go along with the card I made!  A gift card, photo mug, personalized mug and/or a desktop easel.

Had I known my Dad was going to be so enthused with the card I had made, I totally would have made a mug to go along with it for his morning coffee!  Ah well there’s always Father’s Day right?!  Treat Gifts will be perfect for that.


One reader will win 3 Treat Cards and 3 Personalized Mugs plus standard shipping.

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