The Very First TV Network-Branded Online Course

While we’re finished our homeschool journey and I had not anticipated blogging any more about it, I ended up with an interesting e-mail in my inbox earlier this month that I found too interesting not to share.

For all of you with high school aged students looking to either beef up their transcript or earn dual college credit here is an easy, inexpensive way to get three credits from an accredited institution, the very first online course from HISTORY and The University of Oklahoma: “United States, 1865 to the Present”.

The groundbreaking 16-week interactive, immersive course officially begins on January 12, 2015.  Utilizing the strengths of both HISTORY® Channel and OU, “United States, 1865 to the Present” has been rigorously designed by an academic team from OU and will be taught by Professor Steve Gillon, the scholar-in-residence at HISTORY® Channel and professor at OU.

Combining professionally-produced and engaging video lectures with quizzes, discussion groups and social interactions between student and professor, as well as integrated multimedia assets from HISTORY® Channel, this course has been created to offer a singular and collaborative learning experience to a wide range of students and life learners. Students and life learners alike will have the unique opportunity to enjoy a world-class education from one of the country’s top institutions of higher learning and pioneer in online courses, as well as HISTORY® Channel, one of cable’s best known brands and a leader in cross-platform history education.

I think I would have jumped on this for Amber last year when she was a high school senior if it had been available then.  I hope this is helpful to some of you for your children/students though!

For College Credit the course costs $500 and for the Lifelong Learner course costs $250 simply go to to purchase either of the courses.

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