Survive The Holiday Season While Maintaining Healthy Teeth for your Children with Crest and Oral-B

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Holidays are known as being the most wonderful time of the year, but they can also be mom’s nightmare when it comes to their children’s oral health. From candy canes to ginger bread men, kids all over are enjoying the holidays and using them as an excuse to get their sugar fix.

Dr. Jennifer Salzer, mom of 4, orthodontist and dentist has some great tips for surviving the holiday season while maintaining healthy teeth for your children.

Tasty Alternatives
Hosting a holiday party? Serve more teeth-friendly options like fruits and cheeses which are better alternatives to foods such as chips and crackers that stay in teeth for longer periods of time potentially leading to cavities. Regardless of the snack choice, it is best to treat all candies and treats the same: eat quickly, and brush as soon as possible!

Stocking Stuffers
Use the holidays as an opportunity to restock your children with new oral care products by filling stockings with items that are fun and made just for them. Top choices include Oral-B Stages products that feature favorite Disney characters for the younger set and the Crest & Oral-B Pro-Health FOR ME line for tweens

Smarter Beverage Choices
If you and your children can’t brush your teeth immediately after eating, be sure to rinse your mouths thoroughly with water to help prevent tooth decay. If you choose bottled water, check the label for fluoride content. According to the American Dental Association, fluoridated water can help reduce the risk of cavities for children. Widgets

Affiliate links are used within this post. Published by Tammy Litke.

5 thoughts on “Survive The Holiday Season While Maintaining Healthy Teeth for your Children with Crest and Oral-B

  1. I love the idea of giving toothbrushes/paste as a stocking stuffer. Dental hygiene is so important!

  2. we are trying with the grandchildren to be sure to limit the sugary treats that stick to teeth,,but making sure they brush before bedtime would an does help

  3. beverage choices make a huge difference. So many children are constantly bathing their teeth in sugar by drinking kool aid, sodas, and sports drinks. Water will not only keep them from drinking sugary choices, it will also help wash way other things that may be in their teeth and mouth

  4. Toothbrush & toothpaste in stockings is a great idea for kids AND adults. I really like getting things I NEED for Christmas instead of junk I won't know where to put. Haha!

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