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SPONSORED POSTI’m not a materialistic person. You can ask just about anyone in my family and I’m generally happy with most any gift I’m given. I’m not high maintenance, I’m not picky and I can find a use for pretty much anything I’m given. But come on people, if you’re going to buy me clothing…buy my size!
Recap for those of you just starting to read my blog or have never met me in person. I’m tiny. Really tiny. Like t.i.n.y. tiny. I’m 4’9″ and I weigh about 100 lbs. See: tiny.
True story about one Christmas (and I can tell this story because the in-law I’m talking about is now an ex-in-law). We used to pick names in our family to buy gifts for the adults. My ex-sister-in-law picked my name. She decided to buy me a pair of pajamas. Which is great because I love pajamas.
As I open the gift I see the tag label sewn into the top and it says size 14-16. I don’t think much of it because I buy that size for myself from the girls department. I take the pajamas out of the box and they are a womans size 14-16. I’m trying not to laugh too hard because picture it.. me, all 4’9″ and 100 pounds holding up a pair of womans size 14-16 pajamas next to my body.
Now lest you think I’m mean and she just misunderstood the girls to womans sizing, the thing is she didn’t ask me what size I would need or want. She didn’t ask my husband. She didn’t ask my sister. She didn’t ask my mom. She didn’t even ask my brother (who would have no clue anyway). But it was obvious that those pajamas would never have fit me.
And here’s the kicker. No tags left on. No gift receipt. Someone who needed a warm pair of pajamas that year got a pair because I donated them, and so it turned out good in the end 🙂
So here’s a PSA for you all to be a Smart Shopper and #GiveBetter; don’t make your recipient return or re-gift:
If you’re buying clothing for someone this year and you don’t know their size get them a gift card!!!!
And before you say “gift cards are boring,” check out Shoppers can customize a card by uploading photos and images (when available). Gift Cards also make a great gift for those who live across the miles; not only can they get what’s on their wish list but you’ll save money on shipping. You purchase through a checkout page, where then the order is sealed, addressed, and sent to the gift giver or recipient(s) by How easy is that?!
Their selection of retailers is fantastic too. You’ll be hard pressed to not find something for the people on your gift list.
Do you prefer physical gifts or gift cards? Do you buy gift cards if you’re not sure what to buy those on your list? Have you ever shopped at
I love to give and get gift cards, they are not boring at all, there are so many kinds to get!
I love gift cards, they are my favorite gift because they give me an excuse to get to shop! That is HILARIOUS that they bought you a women's size 14!!
I actually prefer to receive a gift card because then I know I am going to like what I get! 🙂
Ha, ha, ha… my MIL was so pissed last year that my FIL got her a couple shirts, a pair of pants, and slippers – ALL the wrong size… ugh, he should have gotten a gift card!
SO TRUE!!! Seriously I hate getting clothes I can't wear. Especially if they are cute and they don't fit. that makes me feel horrible. So yeah; just get a gift card and let me get something in my size.
It's so hard to find things that fit me right. I would most definitely prefer a gift card.
I am all for buying thoughtful gifts, but sometimes it's just impossible to figure out a good gift! I think gift cards are the perfect alternative!
Haha! Great idea!! Gift cards are my favorite gifts to get and give!
Gift cards make the best presents.
your ex SIL sounds just like my husband's sister!!
and if you ask? she ignores.
i always personalize gift cards with a little something fun
I love gift cards. If it wouldn't irritate so many people I would do all gift cards for everyone for Christmas. that way people get what they want and I think I would actually end up spending less money.
I can see you making a tent out of that size with your tiny little self. Any logical-thinking person who knows you at all would realize that size would never fit you or even three of you!
love love love gift cards. no exchanging!! perfect size.
Lol – I can only imagine the look on your face when you got those huge pants. You really are teeny tiny! Some people think that gift cards are impersonal, but I love getting gift cards so I can pick out my own gift. I like to give them too!
Gift cards really are a great idea for gift giving!
I love receiving gift cards and they're the easy way out when you don't know what to get!
yes, i don't often love when people buy me clothes. that's really a personal thing we should buy for ourselves. GC are the way to go!
Buying clothes for someone is a slippery slope! I opt for gift cards all the way!!!
I would take a gift card any day.
I like buying gift cards. There are some people who are difficult to buy for, or are just real picky so they work great for them too. My sister's kids are at an awkward age right now and really hard to buy for…gift cards are perfect!
I have a few family members that are really hard to buy for. A few have expensive tastes, but I stick to my budget and get the gift card within my spending limit for each person.
I love gift cards and I gift them to others as well. I think they are great. No one knows what I like or want as well as I do.
This is neat!! I love gift cards and clothes so win win!!
I definitely wouldn't buy someone's size without asking! Whenever I decide to get someone clothes I always get gift cards instead.
I'm a gift card giver – I'd rather the person get what they really want vs. me guessing and getting it wrong.
My daughter has never been a girly girl which one grandmas just can't figure out. Every year she would give Megan "pretty princess" stuff and Megan would just hand it over to me to regift on next years angel tree. Now she sends gift cards. yea!
my brother asked me what my kids wanted for Christmas. i told him to get them gift cards. They love receiving them and then shopping for things they want through the year with them
I haven't received a lot of clothes for gifts, when I do; they always ask me what size I am. I'm happy either way, but a gift card is nice too because then I can get stuff that I really want.
This is so very true! I'd much rather a gift card than an ill-fitting item of clothing.
Oh no! Glad she's an ex-in-law now LOL!
I don't think gift cards are boring at all. In fact, I'd rather get a gift card so I can get exactly what I want.
I have one friend who buys me clothes but other than that, everyone knows, please do not buy me clothes.