Share My Lesson. A Free Website for Lesson Plans.

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I cannot believe that this fall we’ll be entering our last year of homeschooling.  And while we’re still in that phase of our life, I want to share on my blog with you over the next school year some of what we’re doing.  Because come next May, well we’ll be saying ‘auf wiedersehen’ to that tab in our navigation.  (No worries all the posts will still be available through searches if you’re looking for something specific!)

While we have most of our curriculum in place for this final year, I always find different ways to supplement our core subjects and I recently came across Share My Lesson, which is a free website that gives teachers the ability to share and receive feedback on lesson plans.  Naturally it’s designed towards a ‘traditional’ school classroom, but it offers all kinds of resources that cover all ages from PreK to 12th grade in a variety of subject areas. 

I haven’t used it yet, so I can’t comment on the quality of the lesson plans on it.  But a couple of the areas that I’d like to explore on it once we’re settled in our new home is for grammar and creative writing.  But as the year progresses if I’m happy with what I’ve found, I’ll probably look for other subject resources too. 

I suspect that this is something that may be beneficial for school projects for those of you who don’t homeschool.  You know the kind that teachers inevitably send your child home with, and include little to no description of what your child is actually supposed to do on a project for “Mesopotamia” or “Ming Dynasty Pottery”….

If you are a homeschool parent or teacher have you heard of Share My Lesson?  If so have you used it? 

17 thoughts on “Share My Lesson. A Free Website for Lesson Plans.

  1. I wasn't a homeschooler, so I didn't know about it but now I'm confused. I had in my head that she was done with HS and going to college in the fall. How the heck did I get so confused about that?

  2. — Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell

    LOL! Somedays I wish she was and other days I'm glad she isn't. I'm just as confused 🙂

  3. I have never heard of the site but I think this would come in handy to keep their minds going for summer (those of us who don't homeschool). Thanks for sharing it.

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