Salty Marbled Chocolate-Peanut Butter Brownies & Chocolate Bacon Crunch Recipes – #BlogEats

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So this is the marvelous dessert we got treated to on the evening of our arrival for the BlogEats Conference put on by Kraft Foods.  The salty/sweet combination is something that the Kraft Innovation Center has been doing a lot of experimenting with lately and this brownie recipe from Chef Marcus Samuelson was SO good.  It was actually not very sweet, but so rich and delicious.  The new Planters Peanut Butter from Kraft Foods is very yummy just on a sandwich or for recipes like this!

And yes that is chocolate covered bacon on the plate!  It is the first time I have ever had chocolate covered bacon, and I have to say it was quite a unique taste and texture combination!

So here are the recipes that you can print and then make at home.

I was invited to participate in a behind-the-scenes blogger conference with the Kraft Kitchens, for which Kraft provided full travel expenses, meals and accommodations and product samples, coupons and premiums, however my opinions are completely my own and I have not been compensated to publish positive or negative reviews of the event or products associated with my experience.

1 thought on “Salty Marbled Chocolate-Peanut Butter Brownies & Chocolate Bacon Crunch Recipes – #BlogEats

  1. I had such a fun time hanging out with you at BlogEats, hopefully we will connect again soon.

    I'm so glad you shared these recipes. The bacon was something I'd never tried and so different. And I loved the brownie. Can't wait to try it myself!

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