No Pirate is Going to Steal My Data…

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So last month we decided to go down to Todd Mission, Texas and take in the Texas Renaissance Festival.  We loaded up in the car and headed down.  What a scene.  Imagine it!  A 55-acre permanent venue that allows you to experience a 16th century British village.

The many people who dressed up for it (we weren’t some of them) provided for some great people watching.

Every weekend for the 8 weekends that the Texas Renaissance Festival is open each year has a theme.  We went over the Pirate themed weekend, but there were costumes of all types from Barbarians to Unicorns!

There are shops with replicas of authentic period items like chain mail, beeswax candles and even ocarinas.

We even got to experience a jousting competition.

But do you know what I enjoyed the most?  They had a “Birds of Prey” show.  This complete bird show includes hawks, eagles, owls, and vultures, to name a few.  It’s thrilling to watch the birds soar and glide above and even through (!) the audience.

Ironically, as we were steeped in the 16th century, I was using my iPhone to Instagram photos 😉

To be honest, Todd Mission is in the middle of nowhere and my cell reception wasn’t great, which is why I am glad that I have Hotspot Shield installed on my phone.

Because I had to wait so long for my pictures to upload and post, my open connection could have been compromised, but since I had the VPN service activated I could send my data encrypted over a previously unencrypted network.

The VPN of Hotspot Shield offers an enhanced level of security online. Whenever you connect to the Internet through Hotspot Shield, your data, including passwords, financial transactions and instant messages, is secured and encrypted. Additionally, all of your personal information is hidden from web spies.

And I know that even if I was just in the 16th century for a few hours…there was likely a smarmy pirate nearby ready to hack me and steal my data.

So go ahead and get Hotspot Shield now to enjoy all the benefits of a VPN, it’s a free download so you have nothing to lose…except for your personal information if you don’t have something guarding it while you’re online!  It’s available for Android and iOS devices as well as for Windows computers and Macs.

You can learn more about Hotspot Shield on their website, connect with them on Twitter and Facebook.

I am compensated by Hotspot Shield to share my experiences with it, but there really were some odd looking characters at the Texas Renaissance Festival and if a Pirate didn’t steal my data, I have no doubt there was a Wizard or an Orc nearby that would have tried as well, so these opinions well, they are entirely my own.

50 thoughts on “No Pirate is Going to Steal My Data…

  1. The pictures from the festival are fantastic, what a fun way to spend the afternoon with your family. I've never thought about using a VPN to encrypt my data on my phone, although I have used one on my computer. I'm going to have to look into this.

  2. We haven't been to the renaissance festival for years…looks like a great time. And that is really cool that your stuff was safe. I could have used that when we went on vacation this summer and I had to use an opened wifi…

  3. I have never been to a renaissance festival, but I would love to do so soon.

    I am still amazed by how crafty some people are when it comes to trying to steal data.

  4. Wow, I had never thought of encrypting my cell phone signal. I upload photos all the time. Thank you for the great tips.

  5. How fun! I've never been, but it looks amazing! And, there probably was a smarmy pirate nearby looking for your data…lol!

  6. Wow, that is really cool! I had no idea that they had a permanent little village like that. 🙂 The Hotspot Shield is a good idea. I have mini heart-attacks without some way to check my email. 😉

  7. It's been several years ago, but I went to a Renaissance festival and had such a wonderful time. Looks like you had a great time, too!

  8. There is one of these in New England area every year but I have yet to actually make it there – it's like a 3 hour drive one way.

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