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Did you know that ALL Enjoy Life products are gluten-free and allergy-friendly? All of their products are tested down to 10 parts per million to ensure that they are gluten-free (the FDA’s proposed standard of measurement is 20 ppm). And they are all made in a dedicated nut- and gluten-free facility. In 2005 Enjoy Life was the first company ever to be certified by the Gluten-Free Certification Organization.
What I like about Enjoy Life is that they are constantly coming out with new products, and they aren’t just run of the mill ones either. Two of their newest products are all about chocolate!
If you are looking for dairy, nut & soy free chocolate for baking then you’ll want to check out Enjoy Life semi-sweet chocolate Mega Chunks. Whether you have a really great gluten-free or allergen-free recipe to use them in, or you just want to use them to top off your gluten-free cupcakes Enjoy Life chocolate Mega Chunks will do the job! (note these particular cupcakes that the Mega Chunks are adorning are not actually gluten-free)
The chocolate Mega Chunks don’t taste a whole lot different than dairy chocolate. After tasting them, I’d easily substitute them in a recipe when needed.
If you or a loved one is allergic to wheat or peanuts then the newest Enjoy Life Granola ‘Double Chocolate Crunch’ might bring a smile to a face. It’s great when those with allergies can still enjoy foods they loved before.
This granola is loaded with Enjoy Life Semi-Sweet Mini Chips in every bite.
Double Chocolate Crunch is a real breakfast treat. Sure to be enjoyed by everyone in the family not just those that need to be on the lookout for foods free of gluten or allergies.
If you are looking for allergen friendly or gluten-free foods, I encourage you to take a look at Enjoy Life Foods product line up. Enjoy Life Products are available in natural food stores and conventional grocery stores throughout the U.S. and Canada, as well through over 15 online retailers. You can find a store near you at
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