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Still haven’t finished your holiday shopping…Sports Illustrated Kids has you covered!
If you are still checking off your list and realized you missed a young sports fan in your life, Sports Illustrated Kids makes the perfect gift!
It’s the perfect stocking stuffer with no lines to wait on and easy to purchase right online!
Did we mention there is no gift wrapping? It’s delivered straight to their door. It is the gift that keeps on giving the whole year through!
To order go to: for a special offer!
Don’t forget to “Like” SI Kids on Facebook:
Sports Illustrated sent me a media sample and promotional merchandise as a thank you for sharing this information. All opinions are my own.
I would love to get something like this for my grandson once he's a little older. I can already tell he's starting to love sports!
all of my grandsons are into sports really bad,so they would like this
i love for my children to have magazines subscriptions. Its something new in the mail on a continuous basis. What kid doesn't like getting mail? It keeps them interested in reading too. Great gift idea