NCAA March Madness – “Catch It All” with Best Buy

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They call it March Madness for a reason folks!  And I’ve seen PLENTY of madness going around on Facebook because of it .  One of my good friends is a Cyclone’s alum and I don’t think I’ve seen so many status updates and fan photo selfies from her, ever!  We don’t really root for any one team in these college basketball games…yet… since our daughter will be a freshman at one of the UT schools in fall, I guess that will make the Longhorns our team and burnt orange our color <–that’s not really a flattering look on me, but oh well!

Having an HDTV sure does make it look like you’re right on the sides of the game though, even when you’re just hanging out in the bedroom watching the games. I think this kid has it right!

But for me it doesn’t just stop with watching the TV.  Oh no.  Then I’m picking up my smartphone to text my friend updates (as if she doesn’t already know what’s happening).  Using my laptop to e-mail my old boss my bracket picks.  And face timing on my tablet during the hoopla with anyone who will answer my call.  Yeah, I’m kind of a tech toy junkie and I can multi-task more devices than I can count.

My favorite device though is definitely my tablet.  Because it can almost service as all of the separate devices I mentioned in one small lightweight design.

* I can stream the games on it.
* I can message and do video chats on it.
* I can bring up my e-mail with my bracket choices on it.
* I can even play Candy Crush during halftime on it .

How great is that?!

Best Buy helps keep you connected to the excitement with the devices and connectivity that make it possible.  Brought to life by the brand promise of the latest devices and services, all in one place.

What’s your favorite ‘tech toy’ that helps you to #CatchItAll?

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