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So how many of you have road trips planned for this summer? Or maybe you’ve already done one and are home already. As most of you know, my family just completed an 816 mile trip, in not just one vehicle but two, to get to our new home here in Texas (and we did that trip twice in May also).
While I was not entirely confident in my driving skills to get down here (I made it though!), I was confident that our cars would hold up on the journey because although they’re fifteen and twelve years old, we take them in for maintenance religiously.
Whether it’s for a major overhaul and tire rotation or just an oil change, when the maintenance record says it needs to be done, our vehicles go in for some pampering.
And it seems as if that’s a good practice, because AAA expects between the major summer holidays of Memorial Day and Labor Day to aid over eight million motorists, and cautions drivers that auto maintenance is key to avoiding summertime travel breakdowns. Ensuring quality motor oil in your car is one way to prevent road trip problems.
And speaking of oil changes, MOM wants you to be in the know when it comes to motor oil changes. That mom isn’t necessarily me (although I do agree with this public service announcement) – it’s the experts at Motor Oil Matters.
MOM is a new consumer education and industry watchdog program by the American Petroleum Institute, that has been established to stress the benefits of quality licensed motor oils and call on to the carpet those who engage in deceptive practices.
You might be like us and take your vehicles in to a dealership or service center for oil changes. Some of them can be quick to offer discounted services to people who are looking to reduce their automotive maintenance costs. Make sure your service provider is pouring quality motor oil into your car before you decide on a cheaper deal.
To make sure you’re aware of what questions to ask at your next oil change, MOM has provided this checklist. You can click on it to download and print it.
Even if you change your own oil, it’s good to look over the checklist to know what to look for in your vehicle’s manual or under the hood.
So the next time I need an oil change I’ll be taking along my MOM checklist to guarantee that we’re getting high quality oil, and it’s a good way to check that we’re going to a reputable servicing place too!
You can learn more about why Motor Oil Matters on their website, Facebook page and on Twitter.
Win it!
I’m happy to announce that MOM is giving a $50 Visa gift card to one reader so they can go get an oil change done with quality motor oil!
Are you getting the right viscosity? is a good question. I have no idea!
Are you getting a full Change?
When's your next oil change because I do like that they will give you a sticker to let you know apporximately when you are due again
I found: "Did you get a receipt?" interesting. Most of us don't look at it thoroughly, or even at all, and are trusting that the right oil and amount were used.
Going to a MOM-licensed installer?
I found: "Did you get a receipt?" interesting. I sometimes forget about it
Did you get a receipt? I trust my mechanic but someone could be really dishonest if they wanted to.
keep good records
Doyouknow whatyou’regetting? lol cause i have no clue.
I never knew to ask ifit was API licensed!
I like the Questions Did you get a receipt most because very few places remind us to skim the receipts over for discrepancies
Do you know what your getting? I liked this one because I don't usually pay attention — I just trust them.
Is itAPI-licensed?
Do you have your receipt
Is it API licensed?
Did you get a receipt to double-check services rendered.
Are you getting a full Change?
I like that they question "do you know what you're getting?". It's so important to know instead of just nodding your head to whatever they say!
When’s your next oil change?
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I liked When’s your next oil change?
I like the point about keeping the reciepts an reacords
Getting a full change? It is important to make sure you get a good quality filter! I also know many places say they check fluids, wipers, etc., and they don't, but the filter is very imp.
Going to a MOM-licensed installer?
When's your next oil change? That's sometimes a question I forget to ask myself!
Is it API licensed? I had no idea there was such a standard.
Did you get a receipt?
Are you getting the right viscostiy?
Areyougettingthe rightviscosity?
Did you get a receipt?
I think did you get a receipt, because it never would have occurred to me to double check I got the correct brand.
Do You Know what You Are Getting? I liked this question because I thought it was interesting that some place won't confirm it in writing on your receipt.
The most interesting question is are you getting the right viscosity. Your owners manual will tell you the correct one to get for your car.
Did you get a receipt?
I learned that you need to make sure that the oil's viscosity is right for your vehicle.
I found this tip of checking your receipt to make sure you got the motor oil recommended or requested most useful/helpful
found: "Did you get a receipt?" interesting
Do you know what you are getting.
I like Getting a full change.
Do you know what you are getting
Do you know what you're getting?
Learnd that SAE 5W-20 and 5W-30 are often recommended for today’s cars.
The viscosity might even be printed on the oil fill cap under the hood
Is it API-licensed?
Use the viscosity recommended in your vehicle’s owner's manual.
SAE 5W-20 and 5W-30 are often recommended for today’s cars
Did you get a receipt?
I liked "Are you getting the right viscosity?"
most insteresting ? to me was "did u get a receipt?" — i never thought of checking receipt after oil change to make sure they put in correct oil
when is your next oil change
Are you getting a full change & did you get a receipt? I am guilty of not knowing on both accounts. EEK!
I found this, "Is it API-licensed?" interesting because I never knew this was important 🙂
When’s your next oil change?
Because sometime I forget to keep track.
Thank you.
Are you getting the right viscosity?
Are you getting the right viscosity?
When I had a diesel truck this was a question, a good one.
I like this check list
Write down the mileage so you know when to get your oil changed again.
Most interesting was "When's your next oil change?"
I found the question "Did you get a receipt?" interesting because I'd never think to verify it in writing that I got what I paid for.
Getting a full change? I never imagined the filter would not get changed!
"Did you get a receipt?
vmkids3 at msn dot com
Do you know what your getting-I know it it is important to get the right oil for your vehicle
Are you getting the right viscosity?, I'm not sure that is something that ever occurred to me.
do you have your receipt (which I always try to get and keep for my car's records)
I found Are you going to a MOM-licensed installer the most interesting. There aren't any within an hour of me according to their list, yikes!
Did you get a receipt?
The question I found most interesting is: Are you getting the right viscosity? I usually just trust that the mechanic will get this right, but I know now I should be more informed about the oil that's going into my car!
Is it API-licensed?
Are you getting the right Viscosity?
Is it API-licensed? I have to admit that I never check for this
when is your next oil change?
When's the next oil change due…I have no clue. My husband always takes care of things like that. Guess I need to learn more about it.
I learned to check your receipt to make sure you got the correct oil.
Did you get a receipt? I never really think about it.
Did you get a receipt?
Doyouknow whatyou’regetting?
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
Did you get a receipt?
Viscosity is important, apparently. I ought to look that word up in a dictionary 😉
Do you know what you are getting? This is most interesting to me.
Did you get a receipt? — I need to remember this!
the one about the oil filter. I thought it was something that had to be changed every once in a while not with every oil change. Thank you!
Check you receipt to see what oil and how much was put in I have never done that I never even thought too I know that was stupid but I will from now on!
I never thought to check the receipt to ensure that I got the correct oil. Great tip!
Are you getting the right viscosity? People have all these ideas about what you should have and at what times of the year.
always check the receipt. also ask when to get it done next.
i found the fact that oil viscosity is impt to be interesting…who knew?!
Getting a full change?
did you get a receipt, i do get receipt but i never even glance at it!
Make sure you get a receipt.
Thanks for the contest.
I found the question Do You Know What You're Getting? the most interesting.
Did you get a receipt?
I found the Are you getting the right viscosity interesting.
Use the viscosity recommended in your vehicle's owner manual. SAE 5W-20 and 5W-30 are often recommended for today's cars. The viscosity might even be printed on the oil fill cap under the hood!
I liked the tip: DId you get a receipt. We all need to be careful consumers!
Do you know what you're getting
Did you get a receipt to double check what they did.
Did you get a receipt?
I find "Are you getting the right viscosity?" most interesting.
The question I found most interesting was, "Do you know what you are getting?" I never really thought about this fact. I need to pay more attention.
Are you API certified. If they get offended by questions you dont need to give them your buisness.
Is it API licensed? I wouldn't have known to ask that!
is it time for a change? because I never pay attention
did u get a receipt
The question that I thought was most interesting is Am I getting the right viscosity of oil ? It is very important to use the right oil that the manufacturer recommends in order for my car to run smoothly and not damage the engine.
"Did you get a receipt?" is the question I am most interested in. A lot of time we do just put the receipt in our purse/billfold and do not look at and we need to to know what service was performed
I like the point about keeping the reciepts an records.
Are you getting the right viscosity?
Are You Using a MOM-licensed retailer?
I like the question: Time for a change? I'm terrible about paying attention and getting the time right.
keep good records
I had no idea about this stuff; I did n't even know that API licensed was a thing!
I thought this was interesting as I didn't know they had dedicated locations for this!
I don't know much about cars
I found the question "Getting a full change?" the most interesting because I know they do not always give me a new filter.
Are you getting the right viscosity?
Are you getting a full change? I always assumed I was, but now I'll read the receipt more carefully! Thanks.
I thought it was a very important pointer to know what viscosity of oil your car needs by looking in the owners manual. I'm guilty of not doing that.
Did you get a receipt?
Getting a full change? Want to make sure that everything is being checked.
The oil life monitor in many vehicles can signal to you when you should change your oil.
Always check your receipt!
Are you getting the right viscostiy?
To always make sure to get a receipt and to make sure that the filter is changed when the oil is changed
I was most interested in the question Getting a full change? I didn't realize that some companies don't change the oil filter.
Do you know what you're getting? is useful
I like getting a full change, it's hard to know if you're getting right amount oil put in your car.
I found Is itAPI-licensed? interesting.
I found the most interesting question to be: Areyougettingthe rightviscosity? 🙂 Thank you.
Is it API licensed?
Did you get a receipt? Always need proof.
Love your stuff here – thanks for having us!
Do you have your receipt? – I'm guilty of throwing them away immediately, then I have nothing documented later.
Getting a full change? Thats what I found most interesting! I never was aware your supposed to get a clean filter every time you get a oil change.
"Did you get a receipt?
Always double check your receipt
"Are you getting the right viscosity?" is the most interesting to me because I have to rely upon the expertise of the manual as I have no idea why the viscosity matters at all.
"Did you get a receipt?"
Areyougettingthe rightviscosit?
Getting a receipt and double checking it is a good idea.
Are you getting the right viscosity?
It not that hard to change the oil yourself and it's much cheaper. I prefer to do it myself because I know what I'm getting. It's one of the basic my dad taught me when I got my first car. (…that and how to change a tire)
time for a change?
Going to a MOM-licensed installer?
Do you know what you're getting is always a good question to ask.
i found the most interesting question was Are you getting a full Change?
Did you get a Full Change? That's a great question, some people don't know what all it should include.
DId you get a receipt.
The "Are You Getting A Full Change" question. Very helpful checklist
learned to see if it Is itAPI-licensed?
Did you get a receipt? I never think of that. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
Did you get your receipt
I found do you know what your getting to be very informative and interesting
I found this tip of checking your receipt to make sure you got the motor oil recommended or requested.
Going to a MOM licenses installer?
annabella @ centurytel dot net
keep good records
Did you get a receipt? is a question that is often over looked
Its smart to keep the receipts on record!
Are you getting the right viscostiy?
"Do you know what your are getting". I have never even thought to ask just assume they are right. This is a goo thing to know going forward in the future.
Getting a Full Change?
Did you check your receipt? I never have but always will in the future – never really knew oil wasn't all the same until this promotion
Did you get a receipt?
keeping records that you can find and check
Are you getting a full Change?
Time for a change? I am horrible at remembering to get mine changed.
The question i think is interesting is " do you know what you are getting?"
I like whens your next oil change? we have to write everything down because we always forget dates
Doyouknow whatyou’regetting?
Are you getting a full change because I never thought to ask if they changed the oil filter.
Are you getting a full change?
did you get a receipt?
I found the Did you get a receipt to me the most important reminder for me, something that I always save, but don't always scrutinize
Is it API Licensed? Who knew that was important?
I found it interesting that there are MOM licensed installers.
When’s your next oil change? because I tend to forget!
Getting a full change?
Did you get a receipt?
Is it API licensed?
Did you get a receipt?
Going to a MOM-licensed installer? I didn't know such a list existed.
Is it API licensed?
Did you get a reciept?
Gettingafull change?
Make sure the oil change includes a fresh filter.
Your owner’s manual probably recommends a
specific type of oil filter, so make sure the right
one is included with your oil change.
Are you getting the right viscosity?
When’s your next oil change? The garage where I have mine changed puts a sticker on my window of the milage when it's due again. I think it's every 3,000 miles. Thanks for this contest.
Are you getting a full change? Make sure you get a new filter.
I thought getting a receipt was the most interesting since I never do.
Did you get a receipt? I am soooo guilty at not checking this. I always assume that I am getting what I had asked for since I go to a well trusted dealer here. I will be double checking next time my oil is due for a change.
the question is did you get a reciept because sometimes I forget to get it
I like the checklist you can download.
I found the question about a receipt the most interesting, I've never really though to ask for one while getting an oil change/anything car related… I will from now on!
I found Did you get a receipt interesting? You need to cjeck to see what you got with the oil change.
Going to a MOM-licensed installer?
Is it API-Licensed? That is the question that I found most interesting.
I found the most interesting question to be Is it API liscensed?
I like the Did you get a receipt because i always forget
Is it API-licensed?
Keep records
I liked "Do you know what your getting? "
ready for a change?
Are you getting the right viscosity?
Use the viscosity recommended in your vehicle’s owner's manual.
SAE 5W-20 and 5W-30 are often recommended for today’s cars.
The viscosity might even be printed on the oil fill cap under the hood
I learned to check your receipt
Thanks for the giveaway…manufacturers sometimes recommend different oil change intervals depending on driving conditions and/or driving habits, not strictly millage accrued.
Are you getting the right viscosity? In the younger days, I watched commercials with that word in it and breathed with an open mouth. Huh?
I found the Is it API-licensed? question most interesting.
Do you know what your getting?
I learned that I need to always get a recipient
the right viscosity? thats a good question
Is itAPI-licensed?
Use the viscosity recommended in your Vehicle Owner's Manual.
i like that they will give you a sticker to remember when your next oil chance is due
make sure you get a fresh filter
Is it API Licensed , This is something I had never heard of , so, Thank you! We are TRYING , to save up to go see our 19 year old son who is in Navy Boot Camp for his Navy Graduation so if won, this would come in handy! Thank you for the great contest and for the great tips! They will come in handy! <3
Are you getting a full Change?
When is my next oil change
Do you know what you're getting?