Mommy Makeover. Would You Like One?

Have you ever thought of having cosmetic surgery?

I don’t sit and dwell on the thought much, but sometimes when I watch t.v., I’ll look at news anchors or actresses and wonder if they’ve had Botox treatments or tummy tucks.

If money were no object would you go for a mommy makeover?  That would be fixing your body up to what it looked like pre-children.  Somehow between pregnancy, childbirth and age, our bodies change, and for some of us it seems like we’ll never get it back.

Would you lift or tuck?  Correct that sagging skin? How about liposuction?  Any scars you’d like to get rid of or minimize?

While I do admit to being envious from time to time of those that have the smooth skin and youthful look from cosmetic surgery, it’s never really crossed my mind to think about what I’d have done to myself.  When I was recently posed the question of what I would do if I could have a free makeover, I gave it some thought.

Honestly I wouldn’t mind a tummy tuck or some reduction in my thighs.  After having gained and lost weight a number of times in the last 15 years, there’s definitely sagging skin that could use some lifting!

I wouldn’t expect miracles that I would come out of a mommy makeover looking like a Hollywood A-Lister, but it might be kind on nice to revert back to that pre-pregnancy body I once had.

How about you, if money were no object…what would you change?

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