Kids Can Make Jack-o-Lantern Cupcakes

If you’re looking for a fun activity in the kitchen for your kids this October, why not make some easy Jack-o-Lantern cupcakes with them?

It only takes a few ingredients, but will result in a morning or afternoon of fun and memories for parents and kids alike.

Jack-o-Lantern Cupcakes
Makes one dozen


1 pouch Pillsbury Funfetti Orange All Star Cupcake & Cake Mix
• ingredients to make cupcakes (2/3 cup water, 1/4 cup oil, 2 egg whites)

Mini chocolate chips for decorating

Make cupcakes according to package instructions, allow to cool, let children poke the mini chocolate chips with tips facing inward toward cupcakes to decorate eyes and mouths to design Jack-o-Lanterns.

How easy is that?!

I used California Kitchenware Butterfield Silicone Cupcake Molds (Set of 12) to make mine.

The liners were easy to remove from the cupcakes after garnishing and no grease or flour was needed before baking.

The cupcakes baked nice and evenly.

Very little residue was left in the liners afterward and they are really simple to clean up.

What kinds of fun treats do you like to make for fall and Halloween with your children in the kitchen?

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

9 thoughts on “Kids Can Make Jack-o-Lantern Cupcakes

  1. The only thing we really make is a bunch of different kinds of cookies and cakes. I'm not overly creative. However, this looks pretty simple and easy for all of us to handle. Thanks for the idea.

  2. What a fun idea! We typically make rice-marshmallow treats, and decorate them with orange & black sprinkles. I think that the cupcakes would make a nice addition to our plans this year.

  3. These are so. Cute! Next week is fall break so maybe I'll try these with Cohen. We also will make little faces on mini pizzas.

  4. My kids would have a blast getting creative with these cupcakes. I can usually be found baking something pumpkin during the months of September and October.

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