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This April my husband and I will celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary. I always joke about our marriage like one of those Mastercard commercials (do you remember them?!):
Countless dollars made, lost and spent in 8 jobs, 4 homes, 2 countries, 1 child. 20 Years with the same spouse…= Priceless.
Because when it comes right down to it. I. Am. Blessed. Beyond Measure. It hasn’t always been easy going, we’ve had some rough patches, but we had some great advice when we first got married that Marriage is a Covenant, not a Contract. In other words, it’s not always a reciprocal relationship. Some times you give and get nothing in return, but you keep the covenant. Sometimes you take and don’t give anything back. It’s the idea of marriage being a covenant that has kept us together these 20 years, and I am a Happy Wife.
Fawn Weaver undertook a worldwide search to learn the secrets of a great marriage—and found one foundational truth that could change everything.
She was a happily married woman running a successful business—and then something happened. Maybe it was divorce rate reports on the evening news, The Real Housewives of Orange County, or any daytime talk show where husbands and wives dramatically reveal their betrayals. Everywhere she looked, Fawn saw negative portrayals of marriage dominating the airwaves and dooming everyone to failure.
Looking at Keith, the love of her life, she knew that wasn’t true. She was determined to find and connect with women just like her—happy and optimistic about marriage, deeply in love with her spouse, and committed to building a strong marriage that stands the test of time.
On a whim, she started the blog and sent the link to a few of new friends. What started as a casual invitation to five women exploded into an international online club with 150,000 members in more than 100 countries.
Happy Wives Club is Fawn’s journey across the world to meet her friends and discover what makes their marriages great. Join her on this exciting, exotic trip across six continents and through more than eighteen cities. Walk the streets of Mauritius, the historic ruins in Italy, and the vistas of New Zealand and Australia. Go from Cape Town to London, Manila to Buenos Aires, Winnipeg to Zagreb.
Along the way, you will meet everyday women whose marriage secrets span cultures. You will hear their stories, witness their love, and be inspired by the proof that happy, healthy marriages do exist—and yours can be one of them!
It turns out great marriages are all around us—when we look for them. Go on a trip with Fawn and learn the best marriage secrets the world has to offer.
I was originally intrigued by reading the book not just because I’m also a Happy Wife, but also because I’ve traveled extensively and lived in different cultures (notably for months in both Africa and India), and so I was interested in seeing what Fawn gleaned by the couples she interviewed in those countries. And also because here stop in Canada in Winnipeg <– because that’s my hometown, and it would be neat to read about her perspective there too.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading about Fawn’s travels and the people she encountered along the way while trying to find the secrets to a happy marriage. Turns out most of them span land, cultural and language barriers, which may just be why they work!
No matter what stage of marriage you’re in (engaged, newlywed, or nearly empty nesters like us) I’m sure you’ll glean something from Fawn’s interviews and insights to use to make your marriage stronger and be a happy wife also.
You can find Happy Wives Club on on Kindle for $10.99 or in paperback for $12.81.
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