Halloween Marshmallow Crispies

Take this recipe from Country Crock® Spread to a Halloween party — everyone will love them!

Halloween Marshmallow Crispies

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Halloween Marshmallow Crispies
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Toasted rice cereal is mixed with melted chocolate and Country Crock® Spread to make a perfect base for fun Halloween decorating with the kids.
Recipe type: Dessert
Serves: 8
  • ¼ cup Country Crock® Spread
  • 1 cup mini marshmallows
  • 8 ounces bittersweet chocolate, chopped
  • 2 Tbsp. honey or corn syrup
  • 5 cups toasted rice cereal
  • 1 cup confectioners sugar
  • 1½ tsp. lemon juice
  • Green food coloring, black food coloring, chocolate sprinkles, white chocolate chips or other small white candies
  1. Melt Country Crock® Spread in large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add marshmallows; reduce heat to low and cook, stirring occasionally, until marshmallows are completely melted. Stir in chocolate and honey. Add cereal and stir until evenly coated.
  2. Press mixture into shallow baking pan. Refrigerate 10 minutes. Cut into bars.
  3. To make monsters, using whisk, combine confectioners sugar and lemon juice. Color some of the icing green adding a few drops of green food coloring and some black using black food coloring. (Add a few drops water if needed to create a spreadable consistency).
  4. Spread bars with green icing. Sprinkle tops of bars with chocolate sprinkles for "hair". Add white chocolate chips for "eyes". Spoon black icing into small zip-top bag. Cut small piece off 1 corner and pipe "pupils" and "mouths" onto monsters.
  5. TIP: Have fun decorating bars with colored fondants, melted chocolate and candies to create some great creepy
  6. decorations such as pumpkins, spider’s webs and tombstones.

Country Crock® is a buttery spread that’s a part of the good fat family and made with real, simple ingredients including delicious oils, purified water and a pinch of salt.  Find more recipes using Country Crock® Spread on their website: http://www.countrycrock.com/campaigns/top-recipes/.

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