It’s hard to deny that video games are among the most stimulating media and entertainment products you could enjoy. There seems to be a title for every genre, for every theme, and for every world you want to explore. Worse yet, many are incredible! How is someone with limited free time supposed to get through it all?
Jokes aside, this can be a real problem in an era of oversupply. You might find that your motivation for playing video games has dwindled, not only due to general life necessities but because of overstimulation or feeling as though you can never get through it all. Maybe you’ve just been gaming a lot recently and would prefer a break.
It’s healthy to take a break from anything, and so in this post, we’ll discuss a few similar but different alternatives you could try. We intend for them to scratch that same itch, but to free you from the console or PC storefront. With that in mind, please consider:
Try Classic Games Like Chess Or Mahjong
Classic board and tile games are great alternatives to video games because they give you the gaming fix but can be played offline if needed, or through no-nonsense websites like those that offer Mahjong.
Moreover, these are less “games” in that they have to be played in a set way, and more like a platform for complex logic puzzles, which is why they’ve stood the test of time. Chess takes practice but is easy to learn the basic rules. Mahjong is a game of skill, strategy and luck. It’s also been played for centuries and is both challenging and relaxing. This way, you don’t have to feel overstimulated by amazing graphics and design, you can just settle into a tried and tested format and think your way through.
Consider Hosting Or Joinng A Dungeons & Dragons Campaign
Dungeons & Dragons is a fantasy tabletop role-playing game, and its systems underpin some of the most successful video game franchises ever, much like Baldur’s Gate. One player is the Dungeon Master who guides the adventure and story, and this takes work, but it’s great fun.
The other players create fantasy character avatars like elves, dwarves or humans and their stats. Players use their imagination to go on quests, battle monsters and interact within the made-up world, but it is often played entirely offline, with dice and simple figures representing your character. You can also make up your own tales or use premade campaigns and settings to ensure it’s a little easier. Playing D&D allows you to unleash your creativity and experience extraordinary worlds, just like open-world video games, but without being glued to your television for hours each night.
Start Reading, There Are Many Universes You May Know Already
Lots of video games are inspired by or have extended book and novel universes. If you love the worlds and stories of games like Halo, World of Warcraft, Assassin’s Creed or Mass Effect, check out the book series based on them. The novels and lore give you a deeper understanding of the characters, lands, and histories you’ve explored while gaming. You’re pretty likely to recognize familiar plotlines, heroes, and locations on the written page, but believe it or not, sometimes the novel format translates very well, as the Halo series itself has a number of prized stories.
This way, you can get your fantasy fix without necessarily having to see it all rendered digitally, and reading is a very healthy alternative to constant screen time. You just have to make sure you keep it up, because it’s easy to get distracted and let the short attention span of screen time (which has affected us all) to affect your focus.
Try In-Person Conventions
Gaming and comic book conventions are awesome alternative experiences for gamers. Big annual events like Comic-Con, or a local festival you like bring together fans, developers, vendors and performers in one fun place, filled with like minded people. Some are great places to invite the family, even.
Here you can even attend panels, meet creators, buy merch, see advance trailers and play new demos too. If you’re a little bit of a nerd, you’ll no doubt find something to like – don’t worry, all the cool people are nerds today too. Even smaller local cons give you a break from gaming at home while still being surrounded by your favorite themes, art and fellow fans.
Consider Your Own Artistic Expression
You don’t always have to consume the culture others create – perhaps you’d like to enjoy or invest in some of it yourself! You never really know just what you have to offer. Odds are you have opinions on stories you’ve enjoyed in the past, and maybe you could contribute your own, through whatever format you find best.
Making your own art and media can pretty handily satisfy your creative gaming urges in new ways too, so it’s worth trying. You could try writing fan fiction based on games you enjoy, or design character art, maps or animations using the free trials of creative software online.
If you have a camera, record a video commentary exploring a game’s lore or strategies or your opinions. You don’t have to post it, but sometimes it’s nice to come at your hobby from another angle. You could even completely disconnect from anything to do with fantasy worlds and begin painting – it helps you feel even more connected to the world you’re in.
Get Into Team Sports
Sometimes, you just have to get more physical. After lots of solo gaming, playing a team sport can be refreshing. Sports get you out there, being active and making new friends. If you want to contribute to a team, some of your options include bowling, softball, volleyball, basketball, amateur football and a range of others. Remember, these are games too, so if you like unpicking systems you may have a blast here.
Moreover, most cities offer accessible recreational clubs and casual leagues for kids through adults. Getting exercise relieves gaming burnout by changing up your routines, not to mention the teamwork, competition deliver that same sense of gaming community and achievement. There’s a reason sports video games are so popular, after all.
With this advice, you’ll be sure to consider an alternative to gaming, and having a blast in the best way.