Find Thoughtful Gifts with the Walgreens Happy & Healthy Holiday Guide #HappyAllTheWay

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I’m so excited that in just three days my sister and her family will be here for Christmas!  I have of course spoiled my nephews completely rotten with tons of gifts.  My husband, daughter and I exchange small gifts with each other, and I’ve always exchanged gifts with my sister even when we have to ship them 1300 miles to get to each other.  Not wanting to leave my brother-in-law a sad panda, I wanted to get him something to open as well, but needed some Christmas present ideas. 

Since we don’t usually do this, I didn’t want to spend a whole lot, but I also wanted to get a thoughtful gift to show our appreciation that they drove all the way from Canada to Texas to spend Christmas with us.  So after asking my sister what he likes, I perused Walgreens holiday gift guide to find some things I could put together for a gift for him.

Walgreens Happy and Healthy Guide, #shop

Mark is a farmer.  That means he gets up really early when there is work in the fields.  This guy is powered by caffeine.  When I was flipping through Walgreens Happy & Healthy Holiday Guide, I thought “great idea!” when I saw this (yes, I photo-shopped it some…don’t judge!):

gifts for the whole family, Walgreens #shop

And I noticed a few pages into the guide a suggestion to add peppermints to coffee for a seasonal twist.

Nice! Peppermint Soft Puffs, Walgreens Holiday, #shop

As I continued to flip through the guide for different ideas, I kept in the back of my head that my sister mentioned after long days in the winter in the shed working on equipment or going out to feed the cattle, he liked to put his feet up in the evening and enjoy some chocolate.

Let me tell you Walgreens Holiday Guide is full of Nice!™ Good & Delish™ treats to nibble on during the holiday season.  From tea and crackers to meatballs and the chocolates I was looking for, you’ll find plenty of snack ideas for your guests.

Good & Delish Chocolates, Walgreens Holiday, #shop

And if you’re not a Balanced Rewards Member, you really should become one.  It’s free to join and you get rewarded for the things you are buying anyway.  What a great deal to save an extra $2 on goodies for your guests.

And although I was shopping for my brother-in-law, I ended up tossing something in my basket for my husband too, because they had his favorite orange chocolate balls on sale for just $1.99 and I couldn’t resist picking one of those up for him as a gift.

There’s a two page spread in the guide to help you WRAP LIKE A PRO.  Lessons I need to learn.  Seriously.  My packages look like a kindergartner wrapped them sometimes.  I wandered down the holiday paper aisle to look for something to get my purchases all wrapped up.  I ended up just using a bag because I may be beyond even Walgreens’ help when it comes to wrapping.

Want to see what I came out with?

Merry Bright, Walgreens Holiday Guide, #shop

Christmas Present Ideas, Walgreens, #shop

Good & Delish Chocolates, Walgreens, #shop

All of those chocolates were items featured in the Happy & Healthy Holiday Guide.  Walgreens has some pretty hot deals going right now.  Between coupons and the Balance Rewards, I spent less than $25.00 on the gift for my brother-in-law.

If you’re looking for the perfect gift for a holiday exchange, get some inspiration from their holiday guide and then snag some incredible deals at Walgreens.

41 thoughts on “Find Thoughtful Gifts with the Walgreens Happy & Healthy Holiday Guide #HappyAllTheWay

  1. You just reminded me I have to get my brother a gift! He loves food so I'm thinking some of those items would be great.

  2. I hope your brother-in-law likes what you got him. I enjoy shopping at Walgreens, the Balance Rewards makes it really nice.

  3. Walgreens is a great place to shop for the holidays and anytime. I love their Register Rewards program! We actually buy a lot of our groceries at Walgreens!

  4. I think you did a great job on the photoshopping. 🙂 You got some awesome deals. After the holidays you can treat your self with the money you saved. That is a long trip from Canada to Texas, I am sure they will love what you have picked out. I don't have a Walgreens near our town, when I pass one I will be sure to stop in and see what deals I can snag. Thank you

  5. I am a balanced rewards member. I depend on Walgreens not only for my prescription refills, but I too buy gifts, grocery items and since we live full time in our RV., I buy Walgreens 1 ply toilet tissue. 🙂

  6. Those are neat ideas, making a gift basket containing things that a loved one likes is a lot of fun and you are right the Christmas bag is a very neat gift bag. Thank you for giving me some ideas for picky family members.

  7. I haven't looked through this guide, but it seems there are some great gift ideas. It amazes me all the things you can get at a drug store.

  8. Peppermints in hot drinks are yummy!! I always add them into our hot chocolate and it gives it a little bit of a minty flavor and oh so yum!

  9. I enjoy making food gift baskets for Christmas and it looks like Walgreens has some great options.

  10. We haven't been into Walgreen's recently, but I definitely want to make a trip over there to pick up some stocking stuffers and gifts.

  11. I love Walgreens. I was there today picking up my photo calendar and a few prints. I like when people don't know where a place is…I like to joke that it's at the corner of happy & healthy. hee-hee

  12. I loved the Walgreens Holiday Gift Guide. I was surprised at all the little tips and tidbits it included. I'm sure your BIL will love his gift.

  13. What a great gift. I need to pick up a gift for my brother-in-law and these are perfect.

  14. I just bought a few gifts at Walgreens for the ladies' party that Ashley and I are attending with my MIL. I didn't see those Good & Delish Shell Truffles or I would have bought a box for the party and a box for myself!

  15. lots of great gifts to be found at walgreens. they are also the ONLY place three families i know have been able to find stompeez for their kids !

  16. I just love that gift bag! I can seriously spend a huge amount in Walgreens or Duane Reade – shopping in a small space makes hubby happy too haha

  17. I really like WalGreens! They are always having some great sales. Not only are their sales great but they also have great items in their store other than health and beauty!

  18. Such great ideas for gifts! I think i have everyone done – .. Keyword.. Think. Luckily we have a walgreens right around the corner!

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