Educents ~ Huge Discounts on Educational Products

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When we first started our homeschool journey, I wasn’t quite sure where to start. I mostly purchased packaged curriculum, and we used that until I found a good rhythm, and then I felt more comfortable to branch out and use other things for our lessons.


When you live in a small city though, it’s sometimes hard to find the things you need. A lot of books that are on reading lists aren’t available through our local library. There aren’t a lot of enrichment activities to take part in. And manipulatives, can often be expensive, especially if you can only find them at a “teacher’s” store. So over the past number of years we’ve either purchased the majority of our items at our annual homeschool used book sale, or online.


I’m excited to share about a soon to be opening Flash Deals site for educational products called Educents. It’s going to be an easy way to get huge discounts on the educational products you know and love (and maybe even some you’re not even aware of!). You’ll find items like foreign language programs, science, reading and math resources. Books, learning tools, curriculum, toys and more too. These items will available with discounts of 30 to 90% off retail prices!


The site will be live on April 2, 2013, and they’re giving away free $10 gift cards prior to that launch date. The gift card will never expire, there are no gimmicks or restrictions on its use, and you can even use it towards shipping!


So what are you waiting for? If you’re a homeschooler, teacher or parent, go sign up at and claim your gift card and then go visit the site on April 2nd to see what kind of flash deals you can find!


This is a sponsored post. Published by Tammy Litke.


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