Country Save Laundry Detergent ~ Give Away

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Are you interested in using a green and concentrated laundry detergent? Country Save has been making superior cleaning products since 1977, and their laundry detergent is 100% phosphate free. It is dye and fragrance free, completely biodegradable, has no optical brighteners, is gentle for sensitive skin, AND it’s ultra-concentrated. But the best part? Country Save is very affordable.

I got to try Country Save in my home, and I was pretty impressed. I like that it is eco-friendly and was surprised to learn that the Wyndham/Worldmark Vaction Resorts, uses Country Save Powdered laundry detergent exclusively in all their resorts! For families that need to use a gentler detergent on clothing, this one fits the bill, it really is completely fragrance free – and in a good way, when I pulled my clothing out of the dryer, they just smelled ‘clean’, not in a perfume-y way, but you could tell they were clean.

Here are some other details about Country Save Laundry Detergent:

Moms with babies have voted with their pocket books and have made Country Save a top selling and highly rated powdered detergent on and they buy it by the case!

Real Cost Per Wash is what you get when you use a product like Country Save Powdered Detergent and actually get 40 scoops from a 40 wash load declaration on the box… without all the fillers, optical brighteners and stuff that clogs up septic tanks in the country.

One more thing!

I don’t know if this was just a fluke, but the four loads I did with the Country Save…it was interesting that I didn’t use either liquid fabric softener or a dryer sheet, and our clothes still came out soft, and with less static cling than I would have expected.

Buy it by the packet, the box, the case…however it is you purchase it, Country Save Laundry Detergent is going to save you money, and get your laundry clean without harsh chemicals.

Content and/or value provided by our partner, Country Save.

Win It!

Thanks to Country Save, one reader will win some sample packages of Country Save Laundry Detergent to try for themselves.

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42 thoughts on “Country Save Laundry Detergent ~ Give Away

  1. I would love to try the Country Save Powdered Oxygen Powered Bleach

  2. I'd love to try their Powdered Oxygen Powered Bleach.

  3. I'd like to try the Liquid Laundry Detergent, and I learned that they also have diapers

  4. I would love to try the liquid dish detergent, it's supposed to be tough on pots and pans!

  5. I would like to try the Country Save Liquid Dish Detergent.
    Thanks for the chance!

  6. Love that they are Cruelty free! Would also like to try their dish detergent.

  7. I learned that they provide our fighting men & women with Country Save Powdered Laundry Detergent in Health & Comfort Kits that the Defense Department buys for all branches of the services

  8. I'd like to try their Liquid Dish Detergent and Liquid Laundry Detergent.

  9. I visited the site & would like to try their Liquid dish detergent and that Country Save Powdered Oxygen Powered Bleach

  10. I would like to try the Country Save Powdered Oxygen Powered Bleach

  11. I would like to try the Liquid Laundry Detergent and the Liquid Dish Detergent.

  12. I would love to try the Country Save Powdered Oxygen Powered Bleach.

  13. They are the top selling & highly rated powder detergent on

  14. Thanks for the giveaway…We would like to try the Country Save Liquid Laundry Detergent

  15. I would like to try the Liquid Laundry Detergent and the Dish Detergent.

  16. Wyndham/Worldmark Vacation Resorts, the largest family vacation resort company in the world, uses Country Save Powdered laundry Detergent exclusively in all of their resorts and has done so for the last 5 years!

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