Country Crock Holiday Veggie Give Away! #HolidayVeggieDish

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Well Thanksgiving is over, and now we can focus on Christmas. The turkey or the ham is generally the focal piece, but side dishes can make or break a meal I think. I mean what good is all that juicy meat if you have soggy vegetables or over salted potatoes to go along with it?

My family isn’t that adventurous when it comes to vegetables. We have a few standbys in our home. Potatoes, cauliflower and broccoli are approved. Green beans and carrots are tolerated. That’s about the extent of the palates around here. Oh but what about corn?! Those sweet delicious nuggets? (shh…corn is actually a grain, not a vegetable….okay but yeah we eat that around here too!)

When it comes to preparing said repertoire of veggies, so as not to get bored, I tend to be, shall I say, creative. And Country Crock helps me make the preparation of that task a bit easier.

So with recipes in hand I created a couple of side dishes along with Country Crock.

My mother-in-law made the most fabulous creamed corn ever. My husband didn’t even want me to make it because he loved his mom’s so much. When she passed away, I thought I would try to re-create the comfort food dish, but nothing ever ‘stood up to mom’s.’

The Easy Creamed Corn recipe from Country Crock, wasn’t just easy…it passed the husband taste test. It wasn’t ‘just’ like his mom’s but I guess close enough, or enough years have passed ;), that he had seconds.

Easy Creamed Corn

2 Tbsp. Country Crock Spread, divided
3 cups frozen whole kernel corn, thawed
1/2 cup half and half
1 tsp. all-purpose flour

Melt 1 tablespoon Country Crock Spread in 12-inch nonstick skillet over medium heat and cook corn, stirring frequently, until almost tender, about 3 mintues.

Combine half and half with flour in small cup.  Stir into skillet and cook, stirring frequrently, until slightly thickened, about 1 minute.

Stir in remaining 1 tablespoon Spread.

Creamed Corn seems to be kind of difficult to take pictures of!


I also made the Garlic Mashed Potatoes & Cauliflower – which is a great way to get two veggie servings into one side dish!

Garlic Mashed Potatoes & Cauliflower

2 medium yellow potatoes, peeled and cubed
3 cups cauliflower florets
2 cloves garlic
1/3 cup 2% milk
3 Tbsp. Country Crock Spread
1/8 tsp. salt
1 tps. dried parsley

Cover potatoes, cauliflower and garlic with water in 3-quart saucepan.  Bring to a boil over high heat.

Reduce heat to low and simmer uncovered until vegetables are very tender, about 15 minutes; drain.

Mash or whip vegetables.  Stir in remaining ingredients.

These recipes and more are on ‘s website. You can also connect with them on Facebook and Twitter. A fabulous resource for your holiday recipes is the Crock Country Chronicle which you can find at

Tammy Litke received a sample kit in order to try out recipes to review. The opinions expressed are her own.

Country Crock would like to help one of my readers make delicious vegetables this holiday season, so one of you will win this Country Crock Holiday Veggie Kit:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

104 thoughts on “Country Crock Holiday Veggie Give Away! #HolidayVeggieDish

  1. The Roasted Cauliflower sounds wonderful! So does the Stroganoff-Style Peas & Mushrooms

  2. I add county crock to mashed potatoes and its great combined with canned yams and brown sugar!

  3. i make a scalloped cornbread using country debbie jackson
    djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

  4. Fresh green beans, Country Crock, granulated onion powder, and cremini mushrooms. Healthy take on traditional green bean casserole so many make.

  5. I like their article entitled "Thanksgiving Sides That Will Steal the Show"; I"d like to try to make their cinnamon roasted sweet potatoes.

  6. I'm supposed to bring a veggie dish to an upcoming potluck at work. I just might do their sweet potato & apples recipe.

  7. The spoonable cornbread looks delicious. I'm inspired–I've never experimented iwth Country Crock and veggies before, but I'm getting some good ideas.

  8. I like their tips for parents facing "The Great Veggie Showdown"!
    h4schaffer at gmail dot com

  9. Oh I found a recipe for Tortilla-Crusted Chicken Breasts!! I have to eat gluten free due to Celiac Disease and I really miss breaded chicken! This sounds so good ! I cant wait to try it!

  10. This is the only brand we use! I love it on my mashed potatoes when I'm making them, also a must to mix in with corn.

  11. I love the junk food proof your family article.. that is something I really need to get serious about

  12. I like to steam sliced sweet potatoes. Then I lay them on a cookie sheet, top them with country crock, and sprinkle them with salt and pepper. Than bake. So easy, and I'm telling you so good!

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  13. Country crock goes on my corn, into my corn bread pudding and of course … the mashed potatoes. probably easier to tell you the few veggies that do not get at least a bit of country crock added

  14. I use it on cooked baby carrots, and sprinkle on some dill. Makes a great side dish!

  15. I made the Stroganoff-Style Peas & Mushrooms recipe from the site and really enjoyed it.

  16. I like all the recipes — especially the Lemon-Basil Roasted Vegetables.

  17. I liked the recipe for Green Beans with Crispy Crumbs that I found on the Country Crock Chronicles.

  18. I used some Country Crock on my homemade banana bread for breakfast this morning. Thanks for this contest!

  19. I like that they have a couple fun little games on their site, and of course the recipes! 🙂

  20. I like the "Good Habits" section, there's an article on good snacks for road trips. 🙂

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