Round Up Some of Your Friends and See Bridget Jones’s Baby at Studio Move Grill!

bridget jones baby

Bridget Jones is at a point in her life where so many of her friends have young kids, but here she is 43 and in her words, a spinster.  The thing is, that’s not quite where she imagined herself to be at 43.

So her friend Miranda takes her to a music festival to celebrate her birthday and Bridget ends up having a one night stand with love guru Jack.  A few days later, a christening party and shared God Parent status, lead to an amorous night with old flame Mark.

An interesting turn of events 3 months later has Bridget Jones pregnant with no clue who the father is.

Bridget Jones’s Baby is a brilliant continuation of Bridget Jones’s Diary and Bridget Jones Edge of Reason.  Renée Zellweger does not disappoint.  The trials and travails of Bridget’s pregnancy are balanced perfectly with humor and romance.

When Bridget tells her conservative mother she isn’t sure who the father of her baby is, her mother comically shouts out “did you have a threesome?!” Ha!

This is a movie that you can’t wait to share with your best friends.  And what better way to do it than with a Girls’ Night Out at Studio Movie Grill?!  SMG makes it easy to get out to a movie and dinner at an affordable price.

Bridget Jones Baby

The Bridget Jones’s Baby Bundle of Joy Package is $27/person and includes:
• Movie Admission
• Popcorn
• Entree from SMG’s Two for $25 Menu

Also included is an exclusive movie-themed Not Your Father’s® Root Beer Float. A non-alcoholic, Baby on Board Root Beer Float, mocktail is also available.

bridget jones baby

Thanks to Studio Movie Grill we were able to take in a Bundle of Joy package with some friends over the weekend.  Mot only did we enjoy the movie, but the popcorn and our meals were exceptional too.  Yeah, and lets not forget the Not Your Father’s® Root Bear Float… good thing I wasn’t prepared for a boozy bender because that was a GREAT themed drink if I do say so and I gladly would have had another 😉 !

Visit to book your Girls’ Night Out today.


3 thoughts on “Round Up Some of Your Friends and See Bridget Jones’s Baby at Studio Move Grill!

  1. I love Bridget Jones, I’m having a hard time deciding who I think she should end up with though!

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