This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Jimmy Dean, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #BreakfastDelight
I totally fell into the holiday party snares this past season. Between Thanksgiving Day to New Year’s Eve it was all about the fun…and the food, and of course the bad eating habits acquired during said time followed me into 2014.
In order to permanently minimize the effects and feel good again I needed to get into a new morning routine, and while it took me a few weeks to get it right, I now have it down and it’s working for me.
1. SCHEDULE IN WORKOUTS. Just leaving it to whenever meant it was just getting pushed to the side, because there was always something else to do (real or imaginary!). By scheduling 30 minutes in my calendar every morning, I am actually sticking to getting up and moving.
2. FUEL UP PROPERLY. I needed to face the fact that 3 pieces of biscotti on the way out the door was not a real breakfast. The word of the year is PROTEIN. Something that will fuel my workout and stave off the morning munchies. This is where Jimmy Dean Delights breakfast sandwiches come in.
With 10 varieties to choose from you don’t even have to eat the same kind twice in one week! They’re a great source of protein and with all of them coming in under 300 calories, they’re a great low-calorie option.
You can get the Jimmy Dean Delights breakfast sandwiches at Walmart, and when we went to purchase them for the first time I was in awe of how many different kinds there were in the freezer case. Before I could choose though, my husband had put a couple of packages of the Bacon, Egg & Cheese Honey Wheat Flatbread ones in our cart. Okay, then!
I’m a little possessive when I buy food for ME, and felt that with the quick way my husband had grabbed them, the Jimmy Dean Delights would not stay under-cover in the freezer for long. So while they are super easy and quick to make them from frozen in the microwave in just over a minute, I decided to thaw one in the fridge first while I went for my morning walk, and then heat it up when I got home. Letting everyone know that they were MINE.
Apparently we need to work on reading comprehension in our home.
Check out all the varieties and fantastic ways to incorporate Jimmy Dean Delights breakfast sandwiches into your morning on Instagram and Pinterest.
3. DON’T DRINK THE CALORIES. I know that I need to hydrate but I don’t like water. One way I’ve been able to get myself to drink it and cut some morning beverage calories is by diluting my orange juice half/half with water. So I get 16 oz of beverage with the benefits of 8 oz of orange juice and the hydration of a cup of water.
4. KEEPING IT FUN. I bought myself a FitBit One early in the year and it’s really helped me to enjoy exercising more than I had in the past. I have a goal to reach each day, get badges when I complete a goal and can ‘compete’ against my friends whose own ‘steps’ encourage me to keep on when I feel like quitting for the day.
I hope these few tips & tricks that have changed my morning routine help inspire you to begin your own if you haven’t yet.
What sort of morning routines do you have that have helped you succeed and feel good about your health?