Princess Party Cookbook: Over 100 Delicious Recipes and Fun Ideas

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Most little girls want a Princess Party one year for their birthday (mine being the exception!), and there are plenty of licensed goods that you can get to have a party like that.  But if you’re wanting to host a party that all the children, especially yours will remember, you need to get the Princess Party Cookbook by Annabel Karmel.  With over 100 recipes and ideas, that all girls (even if they’re tomboys!) will enjoy – from appetizers to desserts, invitations to table settings, Princess Parties of all kinds are laid out page by page with lots of pictures to help you out!

Each segment of the book has a different type of party with recipes to fit the theme, invitations, party favors, and activities that the guests can participate in.  Let me run you through one of them.

Depending on the personality of your “princess” and her guests, you may want to choose one of the parties that aren’t quite as feminine, like the Princess Soda Fountain Party.

Ideas are given on creating your own dinner menus – with old cars or a jukebox, listing the foods that will be served.  Instructions are given on crafting invitations from old vinyl singles or making paper ones to look the same, to fit the theme.  A full menu from milkshakes, mac n’ cheese, burgers, a sundae bar and more is included.  And what’s more fun than doing all of that in a poodle skirt, and dancing to Grease?   Well there’s a bunch more parties with just as much fun within the pages of Princess Party Cookbook.

As a mom who has put on more than her fair share of parties, and having attended even more, I think the party ideas and recipes in this book are great, because you can use the simplest ones to the most extravagant, and either way, your child and her guests will have a wonderful time.  Many of the food dishes can be made ahead of time and heated up the day of the party, and/or you could put many of the recipes together with pre-bought items.  Many of the recipes in the books could be assembled partially and then finished as a party activity, so that the little ‘Princesses’ can eat their creations.

As I posted above, my favorite party in the book was the Princess Soda Fountain Party, but I was also quite taken with the Princess Beach Babe and Holiday Angels parties as well.

Little girls between the ages of 4 and 8 I think would enjoy these parties the most, but the recipes are adaptable to make for so many other occasions as well.  Some of the easier ones, are just made more unique because of a simple twist that Annabel Karmel has thought of to add.

If you have a little girl that has been begging for a Princess Party, I highly suggest picking up this book.  At $12.95 (, it’s a small investment for a party, and it’s a resource I think you’ll use for other parties as well.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I wrote this post as part of a blog campaign by Simon and Schuster and was supplied with a copy of the book and the above information through them.  The review and opinions are my own.


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