Our Experience with Nordic Pure Air Filters

Nordic Pure Air sent us some filters to try at no cost for the purpose of this post.  No compensation was received and all opinions are our own.

My husband developed seasonal allergies later in life.  When we lived in South Dakota it generally meant flare ups in spring and sometimes fall, but for the most part in summer (the few short weeks we had of it 😉 ) and winter he would be fine.  One thing we didn’t really anticipate when moving to Texas was that it is almost always allergy season.  One of the easiest ways we found to help control symptoms in our home was by upgrading our furnace filters.

Our selection of furnace filters in stores seems to be limited due to the width of what our system requires, which is 2″ wide.  So we’ve been purchasing them online.  Interestingly enough just at the time Nordic Pure contacted me to try out some of their filters, my husband had added them to our wishlist on Amazon.com.

Nordic Pure understands those pesky allergy problems that people suffer from so they’ve developed different filters with new materials geared toward solving it.  They offer Pure Baking Soda and Carbon filters that filter out allergens, mold spores, and pollen, and neutralize any strong odors from cooking or smoking.  Since the filters are made with baking soda or carbon, the materials are all-natural. Their filters are just as effective as other name brands and they have competitive prices.  Plus they are based out of Celina, TX (just an hour away from the DFW metroplex).  All of this makes me happy especially that I can support a Texas based company so close to home.

One option to keep air clean is by using the Nordic Pure Baking Soda filter.  It is an all-natural filter that is great for everything from allergies to strong smells.

Nordic Pure Air Filters



This is the one we’ve first tested in our home and it couldn’t have come at a better time…  See we live in a neighborhood that is older and has a lot of trees and foliage, which in turns means lots of rodents of all shapes and sizes.  We need to keep traps in our attic for this reason, and it just so happened that the day my husband went to put one of the new Nordic Pure filters in our furnace, there was also something in one of the traps.  It had apparently been there for at least a few days,  which means it was starting to … smell 😉

All that to say we’ve had this happen before and the smell can become odiferous throughout the home until the air has circulated through, but we noticed with the Nordic Pure Baking Soda filter that there was barely a lingering smell at all from that rodent and so far we’ve been pleased with the general lack of odors and mustiness throughout the house in general (especially after baking fish!).

Pure Carbon does the same plus removes Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) like chemicals from household cleaning products.

The Pleated + Carbon is the best of both worlds – It has the typical electrostatically charged white material plus a layer of carbon for additional filtration of smells and VOCs.

We’re pretty confident that the Nordic Pure Air Filters are a good investment in our home.  Our home is older but we replaced the duct work throughout just a couple of years ago.  Between that and my husband’s allergies we don’t want dust and pollens leaking into the HVAC system which is why we feel like a premium filter is worth the extra cost.

If you’re interested in learning more about Nordic Pure Air Filters and the products they offer visit:  http://nordicpure.com/.

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