We’re a family that has always been invested in technology. My husband works in the IT field, my daughter is studying Video Game Design as her major in university, and on the home front we’ve always been the ones who get new tech first.
We’ve been loyal HP printer owners for a long, long time. My husband’s first printer was an HP Laser Printer, one of the first ones on the market, we owned that for 12 years before we jumped on the colored ink bandwagon. Since then we’ve upgraded to all-in-ones and photo printers but always staying with HP as our brand. So I was excited when I had the chance to register for the HP Print & Pamper Conference in San Diego hosted by BSM Media and #MyPrintlyMoms.
The conference hub was at the Rancho Bernardo Inn. I knew that the conference would be special after my experience at Disney Social Media Moms on the Road (which was also put on by BSM Media), but my expectations were exceeded with all the fun, learning and relaxing that I was able to have in just a few short days.
After checking in at the property we were treated to some pampering from Diesel Salon. Attendees could choose from makeup, hair or a manicure. I chose a manicure and it was so great to have a fresh polish change.
The evening was full of great food and fun as we learned about some new HP technology on the horizon and were able to play with some of the newest HP printers, paper products and photo apps in a carnival themed setting.
Having fun with my friends @myprintly and the living photo wall #myprintlymoms #nevertunout A photo posted by Tammy Litke (@threedifferent) on
And a carnival is even more fun when you’re a winner right?! Oh my goodness – I won! I won!
Part of what makes events that BSM Media puts on so special is that they are always full of surprises. When we came back to our rooms at the end of the evening we had these great photo frames waiting for us. Not only did we have our kids sending us a good night 😉 It showed us just how HP Products like their photo paper, printers and Instant Ink and apps like PicCollage and HP Snapshots, allow moms to print memories easily and affordably.
This fun surprise was waiting for me on my room last night #myprintlymoms @myprintly TY @piccollage #mypiccollage #piccollage #neverrunout A photo posted by Tammy Litke (@threedifferent) on
Friday started bright and early and we were off to the HP facilities for up close and personal discussions with their staff 🙂 Much of what was discussed is proprietary and we actually aren’t allowed to share, but I can tell you that there are great ideas coming out of HP that will change the way you think about printing in the future! I love that HP is a company that wants to listen to and learn about what consumers really want and are striving to make products and services that reflect that. We were split into groups and had the chance to play “Shark Tank” with various ideas, the group I was in won the challenge, and maybe one day you might even see the printer we imagined on a store shelf somewhere! Then we were back to Rancho Bernardo Inn where I got to have the massage I won in an outdoor cabana! Pampering at its finest in a location that looks like this!
. @HPPrint & Pamper an outdoor massage here is pampering alright TY for the win @MariaBailey #neverrunout @myprintly pic.twitter.com/t8yLNuUyKs — Tammy Litke (@threedifferent) October 10, 2015
The evening was filled with more fun as we had a chance to craft with the HP Printlys and HP Products. My friends and I made these SUPER CUTE Jack Skellington Mickey Ears! The Jack stickers were printed using HP Products and an HP Printer.
Saturday morning was full of great speakers. Arlene Pellicane shared some smart, practical advice on raising children in a media saturated culture. Check out her co-authored book with Gary Chapman “Growing Up Social” which her session stemmed from. Maria Bailey shared lessons she’s learned in business and life to help us navigate both our blogs/businesses and motherhood, which sometimes are not mutually exclusive of each other. Lori Lorenz is the Director of New Business Solutions for HP and she shared how we can grow our leadership skills to advance our businesses. There was so much great information shared that morning and I’ve already started implementing some of it.
The cherry on top? Maria arranged an afternoon & evening at Disneyland for us all! What a fun time that was! It included: Mickey Mouse Pumpkin Beignets, a Nightmare Before Christmas Overlay of the Haunted Mansion, a fantastic reserved VIP viewing area for the new Paint the Night/Electric Parade and Fireworks show celebrating Disneyland’s 60th Anniversary.
I wish I had one of these #pumpkin beignets for breakfast this morning #disneyland #disney #Disneyland60 #disneyside #MyPrintlyMoms A photo posted by Tammy Litke (@threedifferent) on
It’s a haunted holiday #hauntedmansion #MyPrintlyMoms #jackskellington #MyPrintlyMoms #HalloweenTime #Disneyland60 #disney #disneyside #disneyland A photo posted by Tammy Litke (@threedifferent) on
Doing all of that with some of my favorite blogging friends was certainly magical!
So while yes indeed it was a weekend of pampering, relaxing and fun, it also was a conference where I walked away with more tools to grow and manage my blog, social media channels and tuck away for any future projects I may take on. I’m looking forward to some more excellent education and excitement as I head to Beaches Social Media on the Sand in the Turks and Caicos in a week… another conference put on by BSM Media and their sponsors – come back to read about my experience there!
Looks like such a great time! So glad to meet you there!
We like to buy HP Printers too. Looks like you had a great time!