Hefty, Hefty, Hefty–Now Cuts Down on Odors Too!

Simple and to the point, Hefty now provides a Kitchen Garbage Bag with Unscented Odor Block Technology.

Other companies have bags similar to this concept but they mostly just ‘mask’ odors.  I use the word mask because the bags are actually scented.  All that really does is distract you from the scent of the garbage in your kitchen, or make it worse because the two scents mingle.  There’s nothing worse than stinky garbage in your kitchen, except stinky garbage that sort of smells like flowers…

So how do they perform?  Well I can’t say they completely block out the smell, but they sure do a better job then regular kitchen garbage bags.  Case in point, we had chicken on the bone the other day, I dropped all the bones in the kitchen garbage after our meal.  Generally if I do that, by the next day the scent is so overwhelming that I have to take my garbage out to the garage, and then air freshen my kitchen area.  With the Hefty Odor Block Technology, there was a very faint smell if you walked by the trash, but nothing unbearable, where I couldn’t keep the current garbage in the kitchen.  So I would say they work extremely well.

If you would like to try Hefty Kitchen Bags with Unscented Odor Block Technology visit www.facebook.com/Hefty.TrashBags where you can print a $1.00 off coupon.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I wrote this post as part of a blog campaign by Hefty and was supplied with the above product samples, coupons and  information through them, as well as a gift card as compensation to thank me for my time.  The review and opinions are my own.

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