Hello!  Happy New Year!

I hope you all had a great Christmas.

Happy New Year

So, since it’s the start of a brand new year, I thought it would be fun to do a post about New Year’s Resolutions.

I read a magazine article that said one should only choose a few New Year’s Resolutions so that there is a greater possibility that you will actually follow through with them.

I have to agree with that!

I have in the past made A LOT of them and then mid-way through February I’d realize I’d maybe only have achieved one of them, and then I get all down on myself and give up and feel like a failure.

So this year, I’ve decided on three, and I am going to be accountable to you all by posting them here:

Number One:  Be Happy (because I know God is Good)

Number Two: Face the giants in my life that keep me from moving forward (because it’s okay to not be okay, but it’s not okay to stay that way)

Number Three: Remember my Identity in Christ (I am beloved daughter of the King)

I have been working on those things for the latter part of 2018 already but just half heartedly if I’m going to be honest about it.  The church I attend started a sermon series in September about Facing our Giants that spurred me on to make these three things a priority for 2020.  

If I could add on a less serious extra resolution it would be to eat less chocolate, LOL!

I’d love hearing about your New Year’s Resolutions, so post them in the comments below and then maybe mid-year I’ll keep you up-to-date with my progress on where I am at.  Happy New year, everyone – I can’t wait to read your resolutions!

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