Give Away: DVD ~ Teaching Sign Language to Babies

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The BabyFirst DVD, “I Can Sign,” helps parents teach their babies how to use sign language. BabyFirst is the #1 cable and satellite destination targeting babies, toddlers and moms.

“I Can Sign” is just one of the many educational shows you’ll find on BabyFirst – and it’s certainly a helpful one! A huge benefit of using sign language with a baby is that it gives the baby the ability to express important needs. Learning to verbalize is much more difficult, as it involves learning where to place the tongue, forming the lips correctly and controlling the vocal chords. When a baby can express needs by signing, frustration is alleviated which results in fewer tantrums and less crying!

More About BabyFirst:
Since its launch in 2006, BabyFirst has steadily grown to become the country’s largest television vehicle targeting babies, toddlers and their moms.  The fastest-growing channel in 2012, BabyFirst now reaches 35 million homes as a new programming staple on Comcast systems nationwide, in addition to serving as an important part of the family tiers for both DIRECTV and Dish Network. The channel is projected to exceed 50 million homes by mid-2013. For more information on the channel, visit

One lucky winner is going to receive a copy of the BabyFirst I Can Sign DVD. To enter, just fill in the Rafflecopter form below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

13 thoughts on “Give Away: DVD ~ Teaching Sign Language to Babies

  1. I would love to win this as I am expecting two new grandbabies this year! One in May &the other in August!

  2. I would love to win this for my one year old grandchild who is going to be a big sister in July! Thanks for the opportunity!

  3. I want to teach our son how to sign. I know it would help him communicate his needs better before he starts really talking.

  4. I'd love to win this because although I used signing with my 2 oldest sons, it was more of our own thing, and nothing official…lol..I would like for the new wee one to be able to communicate with all of us as well as other people ( sitter, etc)

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