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When we think back over the past our memories are usually attached to special events and moments; recitals, vacations, birthday parties. You know the ones where you break the camera out and hope you catch a “Hallmark” moment to share with future generations.
There are two kinds of people, those who take a gazillion pictures, and those that forget their camera at home. I’m guilty of being the second one. Truthfully because I’ve never really felt like I’ve taken good pictures, so I don’t usually walk around with camera in hand to take photos of the ‘everyday’ stuff.
But I just finished reading through Your Camera Loves You learn to ♥ it back by Khara Plicanic. This is now my new go to guide to better understand the settings on my camera, how to use them, and why they’re there.
I have to tell you that in the few days that I’ve been taking pictures using her suggestions (like actually reading the manual that came with my camera), I’ve been amazed at how much better my pictures look. Just a tweak here and there in the settings, adjusting the composition slightly, the white balance, the ISO – and any camera (yes even a point and shoot) will allow you to take better pictures.
I’m so glad I got to review this book, because I was getting frustrated with the my digital point and shoot only to find out… there was nothing wrong with my camera… I just didn’t know how to use it!!!
I totally recommend this book to anyone who has a camera (any camera, old, new, cheap, expensive), and has no idea what f stops are, ISO to you is an acronym for In Search Of, and the only thing white balance conjures up in your mind is that your kids’ socks look dingy.
After all it’s not the camera that takes good photos – it’s the person behind it.
I am disclosing that I was provided with a media copy and the giveaway prize. The opinions in this post are based on my own experiences and beliefs of this product, were not influenced by what I received and the company did not ask nor expect me to positive a positive or negative review.
So you too can learn to take great pictures with your camera, I’m giving away one copy of Your Camera Loves You learn to ♥ it back by Khara Plicanic.
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