Xander Nash Book Series

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Hunter Talen has written the Xander Nash Christian adventure book series in such a way that the children reading it will become involved in the story.  They are filled with laughter, drama and excitement, are just the right length and have accompanying illustrations to break up the text as well.  The illustrations are very neat, a mix of cartoons and real to life drawing that makes Xander seem a bit out of his element…as he is!

Xander, an “Indiana Jones” wanna-be, is 9 years old and loves to learn more about…well everything.  The first book in the series has him taking his dog Mitts for a walk, and being swept up into the past – to the time of Creation. 

The Xander Nash series is a great way to get kids ages 7-10 who perhaps find Bible reading difficult to read the accounts a different way.  Large easy to read words will make it engaging for them, and except for the fictional account of Xander going back in time…I found the first book about Creation to be Biblically accurate. 

Because of Xander going back in time, I think it is important that either before or after a child has read the book, that parents take the actual Bible text and read the account with them and discuss it.  While it is fun to join in Xander’s adventure, parents need to clarify between the fantastical (Xander’s time travel) and the factual (the Biblical account being true and historical).

I think this would be a good book series to read together as a family, it will appeal to pre-readers as well as grade school children. This way too you can be sure to discuss any questions that arise about Xander’s trip through time.

You can learn more about the Xander Nash book series at http://www.creationbydesign.com.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of a Xander Nash book to review for the purpose of this post.

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