U R A Winner Valentine – Free Silhouette Files and Printable PDF

I know a lot of parents don’t want to give out more candy on Valentine’s Day and would like to have their children hand out alternative sentiments to their friends.  The other day I had one for a pencil and note pad, and today I have one for a game Valentine.

Valentine themed mini erasers serve as a stand-in for X’s and O’s in this tic-tac-toe game.

U R A WINNER Valentine Candy Alternative

I have a Silhouette file for the card stock cards and the tic-tac-toe board, as well as printable PDFs for both items as well.  If you don’t want to cut the tic-tac-toe grid and glue it on the game card (it is pretty intricate to do by hand), you can always draw it on with a Sharpie marker, or use washi tape for some fun!

Then I have a Silhouette file and a printable for the bag topper with “U R A Winner Valentine” on the front, and From Your Friend on the back (where your child can print their name), which fits a zipper sized sandwich bag.  After your done cutting everything out and assembling the cards, place the card in the sandwich bag, and add 5 each of 2 different types of mini erasers.  Seal the bags, fold the bag toppers in half and staple the edges on each side to the bag.

Here are all the different files for download.  You just need to click on the links to download and/or print.  If you want to share them with others, I just ask that you direct them to this post to download.

First the two Silhouette Files.  The Silhouette Script on the bottom is not on the original file download.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/tgsm9ly5l0dmtfq/URA-Winner.studio3?dl=1  and https://www.dropbox.com/s/few4w4hp5feqrpg/tictactoecards.studio3?dl=1


And here are three PDFs for those of you without a Silhouette Machine.