Totally Together Review & Giveaway

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Totally Together

Totally Together:Shortcuts to an Organized Life is the indispensable guide to organizing a busy household so anyone can have a tidy and tranquil home in just minutes a day.  New York Times bestselling author and popular mommy blogger Stephanie O’Dea provides a practical, how-to-guide in a weekly calendar format to make home organization and time management a snap.

I like to think of myself as an organized person, but when I started using this book a couple of weeks ago, I had a rude awakening.  I found out I’m more of a “organize under stress” person – in other words, I organize when things are at their most chaotic and place undue work upon myself when it could be done in shorter smaller spurts accomplishing the same thing.

Totally Together makes cleaning and organizing ‘under’whelming by giving you easy to do daily, and weekly tasks that when put together, will get your home ship shape and neat.  You’ll be amazed at how simple it is.  Much of it is similar to “Fly Lady”, but I find it easier to follow with the book right there by my side.

Along with the daily cleaning and weekly organizing objectives, there is a weekly calendar on each page, so that you can keep track of all your to do’s in one place.  Which is a great way to hold you accountable for everything that needs to get done on the home front, and on the go.

For more information on O’Dea and her organizing tips, visit her websites at and http://www.totallytogetherjournal.comTotally Together: Shortcuts to an Organized Life is available for pre-order (publication date is August 2, 2011) and has an mrsp of $15.00.

I was provided a copy of Totally Together for review.

One reader will win a copy of “Totally Together: Shortcuts to an Organized Life.” Just enter on the rafflecopter form below.

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