Happy Birthday Cookie Monster!
I thought about baking a cake to commemorate the day, but I suppose I really should bake cookies! I have a couple of my own cookie monsters in my home though, so I’m guessing they’re not going to last long.
Actually there is a discrepancy on when Cookie Monster actually celebrates his birthday. Some say it’s today, May 25th, others say it is November 2nd. Personally, I think Cookie Monster has told people this conflicting information himself, so that he gets two birthday parties. More cookies you see. I suppose I’ll just have to use my cookie cutters on both days!
It’s hard to imagine Cookie Monster ever being a baby, but I’ve head that before he ate his first cookie, he was known as Sid. So I think I should make some “Sid” cookies too with this adorable Baby Cookie Monster cookie cutter from http://www.cheapcookiecutters.com.
Remember though, cookies are a sometimes food, but always taste great!
Thanks for giving us an excuse to make cookies today! as if we need an excuse 🙂
Happy Birthday Cookie Monster