Renowned Jewish celebrity chef and food expert Paula Shoyer offers a cookbook inspired by the hottest culinary trend: the Instant Pot. With The Kosher Instant Pot Cookbook, Shoyer has curated 100 irresistible recipes for every table, be it a holiday feast or family dinner, that even a novice cook can prepare in minutes.
The Kosher Instant Pot Cookbook, boasts lush photography and a modern take on classic Jewish recipes, and is the perfect gift for anyone who loves food – especially Jewish food. For a Thanksgiving or Chanukah meal, Shoyer features Apple Latkes, Triple Cranberry Sauce, Caramelized Onion and Sweet Potato Soup, Pumpkin Doughnuts, and Brisket Bourguignon. All recipes offer options to adapt for special diets and allergies.
While those holidays are in our rearview mirror, 2022 is soon on the horizon (as is Passover, I mean in the grand scheme of things April isn’t that far away!) and this cookbook can be used all year long.
We put our Instant Pot to work over the holidays by making Pulled Chicken Tacos in Mole Sauce from The Kosher Instant Pot Cookbook. Paula Shoyer shares about this delicious dish in her words:
“All of my four children are great eaters and great cooks. When they were young, their favorite meals were those they could assemble themselves and Mexican food was a weekly highlight. You can create a buffet with tortillas, this chicken, salsa, guacamole and greens and let your guests, young and old, have fun creating their own dinner.”
You all! We. Live. In. Texas. Mexican food is a staple here. Admittedly I am not well versed in Jewish culture or Kosher foods, and so was not expecting to see a Mexican recipe in this book. I felt like this was a great recipe to start with. These were delicious (and fast!) to make. They were literally scarfed down with no leftovers. That’s saying a lot in Texas 😉
Next we tried the mac ‘n’ cheese recipe. There is no meal that cannot be improved with a side of mac ‘n’ cheese, and “Norma’s Macaroni and Cheese” is now going to be my go to or all the things. This is so tasty.
I think the thing I appreciated the most about this cookbook though are the detailed instructions. Shoyer doesn’t just give instructions on the cooking features used on the Instant Pot, but times for all the steps are included, not just the time for cooking. Her guide for each recipe also includes the hands on time, the time to pressure and cooking time but also when to release the pressure; as well as any advance prep you can do. That makes it simple to glance at a recipe and know whether you can make it when your pressed for time or to save it for another day.
The recipes from The Instant Pot Kosher Cookbook are about to become your new favorite dishes. Trust us: Having this cookbook (currently $16.99 for a physical copy, Amazon) will be a total lifesaver not just for high holidays but for everyday!