Jooners Product Review and Give Away

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I was recently provided the opportunity to review Jooners, an online signup sheet designed to streamline social event planning. I received a premium membership and courtesy swag but the opinions in this review are 100% mine.

 You know what it’s like; Room Mom, Church Nursey Coordinator, Girl Scout Troop Leader, Booster Club parent, Fundraiser Chair for the Prom committee, oh and the list goes on and on. And that’s what I’m here to talk to you about ‘THE LIST.’ Yes, that volunteer, sign-up, collection page that is unruly, sometimes lengthy, and we pray NEVER gets lost, because if it does….we’re up a creek.

Now I know, some of you still prefer the old-school method of pencil and paper, but for the rest of us that don’t leave the iPhone or Android behind, our to-do lists and calendars are completely digital and that’s how we do life these days.

Good news for us! Jooners is an online service, that lets you manage online signup sheet lists of all types. If you need to organize anything with multiple people involved, Jooners will make it so much easier on your part.

Jooners has a small learning curve, so it’s easy to use. If you need to coordinate volunteers for specific tasks, or are just looking to collect information from a variety of people, you can use a premade template, or create your own.

I created a couple of different sheets so you could see an idea of what Jooners can accomplish for you. First I used a template for a Christmas Caroling and Tree Trimming Potluck.

The form was prepopulated, and then you can just keep or change the items you’d want. Even if the event is completely different from what you are setting up, it’s a good way to get a feel of how Jooners works, and what you can do with the forms. Once you set a few up, you’ll have a few more ideas and you’ll be creating your own forms in no time at all.

Once you have it all set up the way you think you want it, you can preview it to make sure it looks the way it should.

I also created my own ‘collection list’, for Christmas gifts. It is a digital way to send out to family and friends a request for gifts their children would like and have it all in one place.

This was a bit more difficult to put together and took some time, but now that I know how to do it, I can see myself keeping a running list like this for birthdays and other occasions. One thing I’d like to see is in the preview mode, the ability for the administrator to be able to ‘fill in the forms’ to see how it reacts to the signups (so to speak). What I had to do to ‘perfect’ my collection list was send it to myself a few times via e-mail so I could click the link and see how it worked when someone signed up. That allowed me to know how to set it up, but it was a time consuming work around.

There are a few great features to Jooners’ service that I’d love to point out.

One is that you can have everyone that you are sharing the form with see what everyone else fills out. This is handy if you are working with a group that knows each other and the event will be most successful if everyone has an idea of what’s going on, or what people are bringing. For instance, if Jane signs up to bring a cold salad to the potluck, but Lisa knows she’s going to be out all day, and not able to bring a hot dish but that’s all that’s left on the sign up sheet, Lisa can contact Jane and ask if she would be willing to bring a casserole instead to help Lisa out.

Likewise you can make all the respondents entries private only to you. So if it’s a secret swap or you are collecting information from people that don’t know each other, only you see what’s submitted not anyone else.

You can share the online signup sheet numerous ways, by e-mail, Facebook and/or Twitter, or you can embed the form on a webpage. The ‘invitees’ to the form, do not need to sign up for to sign up on the form.

This is how the e-mail they receive will look.

When they click the link in the e-mail they’ll be taken to the form and then can signup for what they want.

Once they’ve signed up they’ll be able to add the event and/or details to their digital calendar.

If you need to contact the volunteers because of changes or additions to the event, you can e-mail them all at once right from Jooners’ site. That’s super handy!

As an administrator of the list, I can be e-mailed when someone signs up, and from a central dashboard, I can see at what percentage my sign ups are at to the list being full.

All in all I can see this being a great resource for anyone that needs to organize a group of people to take part in a task/event or a collection of any sort, whether it’s a one time deal or over a period of time. A basic membership is Free to everyone and it’s ad-free as well, and upgraded memberships are $49.95 for one year.

Published by Tammy Litke.

Jooners is giving away a premium membership valued at $49.95 to two of my readers.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

7 thoughts on “Jooners Product Review and Give Away

  1. we have a huge hot roast party at our house each July. It would be good for keeping track of who is bringing what for food

  2. We use Jooners for our Career Coaching volunteers and attendees. The functionality is easy. However the website is very slow responding, causing frustration for leaders and participants.

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