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I couldn’t have received an invitation to a summit on saving teen driver’s lives at a more perfect time. On behalf of Allstate I’ll be heading to Chicago tomorrow to learn and provide my perspective on teen driving. With my daughter just having turned 16 in April, I have plenty of questions to ask the experts that will be in attendance there too.
I remember 20+ years ago when I first got my driver’s license, and I’d drive around with my friends and we listened to tunes from the eighties and nineties on the car radio. Now I have a different take on allowing my daughter to do that while she’s driving…my interest in keeping her safe makes what I did way back then seem careless.
The Teen Driving Summit will kick-off Monday evening with dinner with leaders from Allstate. And then Tuesday there is a whole day of activities planned.
Leave a comment on this post if you have any teen driving questions or concerns that you’d like addressed and I’ll make sure I ask them during my time there, and when I get back, I’ll be sure to let you know what I learned.
I’m hoping to schedule some posts for the two days I’m gone, but if the blog looks bare, hang in there, I’ll be back working on it Wednesday morning. I’ll be checking my e-mail messages, so don’t hesitate to get in touch if you want or need to ask a question either.
Wherever you’ll be in the next couple of days…I hope you drive safe.
I was invited to participate in a summitt with The Allstate Foundation, for which they provided full travel expenses, meals, accommodations and/or other premiums, however my opinions are completely my own and I have not been compensated to publish positive or negative reviews of the event or products associated with my experience.
My boys are still young but thinking about them driving scares me. How did our parents do it? lol
I had 3 teen drivers ,,not all at the same time,but IF you have a teen driver you need a umbrella policy along with your car policy,,this covers what your car policy wont if it reached its limit,the reason I know is because my daughter at age 16 was involved in a accident where she hit a boy on a motorcycle,,her fault,,,omg it was a nightmare,she wasnt hurt but the boy was badly an we thought we were going to lose everything we had ever worked for,,an our agent advised us to get the umbrella policy for if it ever happened again,his parents wanted him to sue,but he was 18 an my daughter was beauitful an he didnt sue an we ended up safe in the mess but we were so lucky,,,,we didnt let her drive for 6months ,she was where she wasnt supposed to be an had a car full of girls which she was only suppose to have ONE ,,,,she is 27 now an has 2 boys ,,I think she learned a lesson from all that,,she drives very safely now,thank God.
Wow, thanks for shharing Vickie, food for thought!
In SD we can drive at 14. When I lived in town I thought this was ridiculous but the I moved out to the cows and my daughter started going to a school 10 miles away and in the opposite direction of my work. So… she started driving. I still think 14 is too young for city drivers. Do any other states let kids drive at 14?