Give Away: 5 Tips to Getting Your Car Ready For Winter

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I am sharing on behalf of the International Carwash Association (ICA) to offer you these great tips for getting your car ready for winter. ICA, through its Wash With WaterSavers consumer awareness campaign, is committed to promoting the importance of using eco-friendly carwashes that use less fresh water and return clean water back into the environment.

To help you get better prepared, they’ve created these 5 Tips to Getting Your Car Ready For Winter:

1. Wash and wax your car at a professional car wash – It may seem counterintuitive to get your car nice and shiny for what’s often the sloppiest season, but a thorough wash can remove harmful compounds that may cause damage when mixed with sand and road salt. Experts from the International Carwash Association also recommend a coat of wax for an extra layer of protection from the elements.

· Professional car washes can also save up to 20 percent of the amount of water you’d use by washing your car at home. They do this by treating and reusing their water, rather than releasing toxic chemicals and grime into the storm drains, which can often occur with pavement washing. Check out to see how professional car washes save water and help prevent pollution.

2. Check fluids – Check your coolant to make sure you have enough, as you’ll be left without heat if you don’t. Consult your owner’s manual to find the correct blend if you need to add more. It’s never a bad idea to keep extra coolant in your trunk in case of an emergency. Don’t forget about extra wiper fluid, either. It’s not expensive, so stock up!

3. Winter emergency kit – In addition to stocking your car with a scraper and brush, it’s a good idea to include a few provisions in case you get stranded in snowy and cold conditions. Pack extra blankets, hats and gloves, high-energy snacks like granola bars, drinking water and a first-aid kit. They have created an exclusive Winter Emergency Kit for one of my blog readers! Check it out at the end of the post.

4. Test your battery – The next time you have the car in for an oil change, ask the mechanic to test your battery to make sure it can provide enough starting power once the temperature plummets.

5. Check your wipers – When sloppy weather hits, you’ll want to make sure you have strong wiper blades to see through the elements. Checking your wiper blades for wear and replacing them if needed can prevent huge visibility headaches once snow and sleet arrive.

All good tips to keep in mind especially if you’re planning on traveling during the holiday season. We also always check our tire pressure before we head out on a road trip, your tires can be low even if they don’t look like they are. Making sure they’re properly inflated gives you assurance on the road and saves you money in gas.

I am working with the International Carwash Association to share these tips for getting your car ready for winter. However, my opinions are entirely my own and I have not been paid to publish positive comments. Published by : Tammy Litke.

Win a Prize Pack

We have a special Winter Emergency Kit prize package for one of you which will include the following:

32 oz. WaterSavers branded water bottle, Carabiner key chain, Medium flashlight, 2 heavy duty AA batteries, 19-piece first aid kit, Survival tool, Pocket knife, Emergency poncho, Emergency blanket, 2 tea light candles, Safety matches, Survival instruction card and a Mesh sack.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

95 thoughts on “Give Away: 5 Tips to Getting Your Car Ready For Winter

  1. You've posted great tips for winterizing a car, and your giveaway package would be so helpful for an emergency.

  2. Snow Chains for car tires is my tip. Keep 'em in your trunk just in case.

    Hope to win!

  3. I have a winter survival bag in each or our cars. also a shovel, blanket and a charged cell phone.

  4. Keep a car care kit, a first aid kit, power bars, a blanket, and some bottled water in your car!

  5. if the weather is bad, or they are saying bad weather is coming, just stay home unless its an emergency. Its safest not to be on the roads.

  6. My top tip is to stay at home when there is inclement weather. Just because you think you might be able to make it, doesn't mean you should try.

  7. My winter car tip is to keep spare gloves in your car. Then, in the event that your hands get wet and cold from cleaning off your car, you can change into dry gloves.

  8. If the roads are icy, I keep a bag of sand or kitty litter in the back in case the car gets stuck and the tires just spin on the ice.

  9. Make sure you warm your car before using it that day to give the engine time to warm up

  10. I have my battery checked and I keep a flashlight in the car.

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  11. always scrape your windshield before turning on your wipers or you risk ruining the wiper motors.


  13. Take your car in the get a pre-winter check up before the hard cold weather hits.

  14. I keep extra blankets and gloves in a the trunk, check your wind shield wiper fluids and make sure it is a winter blend.

  15. Frostbite happens when the skin and outer tissues become frozen.This condition tends to happen on extremities like the fingers, toes, ears and nose. They may become pale, gray and blistered. At the same time, the child may complain that her skin burns or has become numb.

  16. Always take extra time when driving and have signal flares and an emergency blanket in the car.

  17. Always keep your car in good working condition and keep water and blankets in trunk.

  18. Keep a large bag of cat litter or salt in your trunk to help weight it down and prevent fishtailing

  19. clear any snow off ALL of the windows, hood and cab

    brich22 at earthlink dot net

  20. My fiance's tip is to always keep bottled water in your car in case you get caught in a blizzard. My tip is to get your flu shot.

  21. I think my winter safety tip is to wear boots with good tread. It's too easy to slip out there!

    unclebonald at gmail dot com

  22. I have an emergency kit I keep in the car that has a blanket, bottled water, granola bars, etc.. in it.

  23. If the roads are bad and you must go out. Let someone know, your route. That way if something happenes they will know where to look.

  24. I was always taught to know how to fix my car myself in case of emergencies, and know the phone number of a guy who would do it for me.

  25. I could definitely benefit from this prize. I'm a mom of 2 little ones and my husband works mostly nights. It'd be nice to have some peace of mind with this kit. He can't always get away from work and I'd like him to know we're ok.

  26. i keep kitty litter, blankets, gloves, water and a couple of boards in the back of my car

  27. When you live where it snows alot…its good to keep survival items in your car!! just in case

  28. always keep blankets and a tent in the car in case you get stranded
    trixie420247 at yahoo dot com

  29. My tip is don't go out if you don't have to when the weather is nasty.

    Thanks for the chance to win the survival kit!

  30. I always keep an extra blanket in the car in winter – and make sure my phone is fully charged before heading out in case I need to make an emergency call!

  31. I always keep windshield washer in my car that doesn't freeze. It helps dissolve frost on my windshield, too!

  32. a bag of kitty litter is good to have in your trunk – you can sprinkle it on ice to get better traction

    jagar0047 at yahoo dot com

  33. Always garage your car if you can. Do it! haha or else your car can get buried in snow.

  34. Make sure your tire treads are good before winter hits. Get new tires when they wear out.

  35. One of those emergency winter blankets (the little silver colored one) in the glove box can help greatly.

  36. Make sure you get preventative maintenance done on your vehicle before winter hits so you know it's in its best condition.

  37. I always keep a change of clothes and snack in my van.We got stranded once and now am prepared.

  38. Keep a heavy bag of something or a concrete block in the trunk. This extra weight will keep your car grounded on the road in icy conditions.

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