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Thank you to for being a sponsor. Any opinions stated are my own. Learn more about here! Published by Tammy Litke.
My regular readers are probably tired of hearing about my impending move. I don’t blame them, I’d rather be writing about my actual moving then my impending move too
. You know I’m all about the lowest interest rate we can get, and I’m sure you are too. The one good thing about a significant lapse of time though in regards to moving is that during the time you sell and purchase another home, you can work on your credit score for your new mortgage. Just how do you do that though? has new tools that allow you to be smarter about understanding your credit. Score Planner allows members and non-members1 to estimate their future credit score by showing the impact of positive, negative, and neutral credit behaviors.
Even though we haven’t gone through the steps to be pre-approved for a mortgage yet, I thought it would be interesting to play around with the free Score Planner to see what our potential credit score might be. By filling in some basic information such as how many credit cards we have, if we’re on time or behind on any payments, whether the accounts are open or closed, etc., Score Planner was able to give me a rough estimate of what my credit score would be in a variety of situations. I could see what my score would be in six months if I continued to make all my payments on time, what it would look like if we secured a new mortgage, even what it would be if we claimed bankruptcy. I thought it was a neat tool to get an estimate of what the mortgage company might see when we apply to be pre-approved.
You’ve probably seen the commercials on TV from, with the snazzy jingles and bands – well they have a contest currently going on to “Make a better commercial than we did.”
Simply suggest or create your own ending to their commercials and you could win up to $25,000 or some other great prizes.2 If you suggest your own ending you could win one of six $2,000 weekly prizes.3 If you create your own ending you could win the $25,000 grand prize.4
The contest ends 3/28/2013 so get those creative juices flowing and get your submission in before it’s too late!
1 Score Planner is free to everyone. Free score applies with enrollment in
2 No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited. Contest sponsored by, Inc, and Experian Company. Open to legal U.S. residents 18 & older. Contest Ends 3/28/2013. One (1) $25,000 prize awarded for top scored video entry, based on skill. Other prizes for video and non-video entries based on skill. For Official Rules, visit
3 Non-video weekly prize entries will be judged on creativity and originality, entertainment value, and relevance. All eligible entires may be displayed for public viewing and identified by your first name and last initial. For additional non-video entry guidelines and criteria, see the Official Rules.
4 Grand prize and weekly prize entries judged on creativity, originality, entertainment value and relevance. All eligible entries may be displayed for public viewing and identified with your first name and last initial. For additional video entry guidelines and criteria, see the Official Rules.
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