Just recently Amber had a question in her FACS curriculum about her all time favorite teacher. What made that teacher such a great influencer? She mentioned her 5th grade teacher (who admittedly was an awesome teacher, she was nominated for Teacher of the Year, and she won for SD!). When I pretended to be disgruntled because she didn’t say I was her favorite teacher, she said it was because her 5th grade teacher let them drop eggs in Science Class.
Oh yes the classic Egg Drop! I remember doing that in high school science. Haven’t done it with your kids? Well with Easter coming soon, eggs will be going on sale, and here are some eggs-periments you could tie it into a thematic “Easter Egg” unit.
This is an activity appropriate for grades 5-12, although if you have a mix of ages in your home, younger students could help with and older one in charge. This would also be a fun activity for a homeschool co-op to do, in order to see a lot of different designs.
Here’s what you need:
photo by pdinnenEgg Drop (http://teachers.egfi-k12.org)
The egg drop is a fun and dramatic way to get students involved in engineering design. After a discussion of safety features, students experiment packaging and egg to produce a design that will allow it to fall from a considerable height without cracking.
1. Students will choose appropriate packaging materials to fit an egg into a package measuring less than six inches on any side.
2. Students will recognize differences in success rates of the packaging materials.
3. Students will understand how results can turn out differently when similar or identical materials are used.
4. Students will be able to relate packaging an egg to everyday activities (car safety, moving vans, bicycle helmets, motorcycle helmets, etc.)
Each student team will need:
- Box or container not larger than six inches on any side
- Packaging materials
- A raw egg
Teacher should determine ahead of time the point from which the eggs willb e dropped. Try to select a point at least two stories high.
1. Brainstorm about safety features used for race card drivers, skaters, football players, etc. How are each protected from strong impacts? Which materials are used, and which seem to be the most protective? What factors need to be taken into consideration in designing and implement safety features?
2. Students then discuss ideas for materials that can be used to protect breakable objects when they are transported.
3 . Inform students of their task: To design a container that can cushion the fall of an egg, with the stipulation that each container can be no more than six inches on each side.
4. The drop: Before each package is dropped from the height to the ground, the students should explain their packaging process and their concept.
5. After each egg is dropped, the package should be opened to check the condition of the egg.
6. Discuss the effectiveness of the packaging materials. Which were most effective and why? Which features helped cushion the fall? Which were most creative?
You could also make A Bouncing Egg (https://allencentre.wikispaces.com/Junior+Science+-+Bouncing+Eggs)
An egg shell is made of calcium carbonate (as are your bones!). Calcium is what makes the shells strong. White vinegar is an acid. What happens when an egg is left in vinegar?
1. To discover what is left when acid dissolves the calcium in an egg shell. (Carbon dioxide) The students will realize the tiny bubbles in the jar are full of carbon dioxide gas.
- A raw egg
- White vinegar
- Jar with a lid
1. Place your egg in the jar. Cover it with the vinegar.
2. Screw on the lid. Leave your egg alone for 4 days.
3. You will know when the egg is ready – there is no more shell to dissolve, so there is no more carbon dioxide bubbles. Empty the vinegar and replace it with water. Your egg is now ready to bounce!
4. Start low maybe about 1 inch off the ground, and gradually move higher. See how high your egg can bounce before it goes…SPLAT!
So now you have some thing to do with all your extra eggs !