Dollar General Mother’s Day Prize Pack Give Away

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Throughout the month of May, in recognition of moms who do extraordinary things every day for their families and communities, Dollar General® is teaming up with Procter & Gamble® to honor moms – the true Every Day Heroes who have made sacrifices for their families and their communities.

To celebrate moms, Dollar General is inviting customers to upload videos describing why their moms are “Every Day Heroes.” Videos can be submitted and viewed at

I encourage you all to upload a video about your mom to Dollar General’s web site.  I love my mom and I think a video telling everyone why she is an Every Day Hero would be the best gift to make her feel loved and appreciated.

I am disclosing that Procter & Gamble provided me with product samples and are providing the giveaway prize package.  The opinions in this post are based on my own experiences and beliefs of this product, were not influenced by what I received and the company did not ask nor expect me to positive a positive or negative review.

P&G and Dollar General would like to share a Mother’s Day Gift with you as well and have created a special prize package for one of my readers which includes: Tide® Pods, Febreze® Auto Air Freshener, Always® Radiant, Tampax® Radiant, Secret® Coco Butter Clear Gel, Old Spice® Champion Deodorant and a Dollar General chip clip.

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