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I’m not a big alcohol drinker, it’s rare indeed for me to choose it over a non-alcoholic drink. Most of the time I’ll take a ‘virgin’ drink over the more potent kind, while on occasion I will indulge in a glass of wine, or in the case of my trip to the Kentucky Derby…some bourbon…LOL!
One drink I do enjoy though is a Bloody Mary. And it’s no wonder, I read in a magazine once that the hot sauce that is one of the ingredients in it, prompts the brain to release happiness hormones that actually work in seconds. So it’s a tasty and happy drink! And while I like classic cocktails better than “souped” up versions, the site I mentioned the other day, Whipped Foodie, has a super base recipe for a Bloody Mary cocktail that is easy to mix up…and then you can add what you like to it and garnish it as you please.
I find most people have a ‘mixology’ all their own when making drinks, with our without alcohol. I prefer tomato juice in my Bloody Mary, but I know my mom always made them with Clamato juice. You can even hold the vodka in mine, but NOT the celery stalk – it makes me feel like I’m actually doing something good for myself!
One thing I saw under the Whisked Foodie, Mixology category was a book review for ‘Beer Cocktails’ – ummm..okay, I had to take a peek at that. My dad likes beer, he even brews his own and my mom likes cocktails – so I thought this might be something worth getting Dad for Father’s Day. Worth a look at the review if it’s something a man in your life might like too!
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