Category: TwitterMoms
Fun Road Trip Memories
Road Trips. Love them or hate them they sure do evoke a lot of memories!
We were the first of our family to move away, so it’s always a road trip to go back home. 8 hours of driving through South and North Dakota up into Canada. There really isn’t a lot to see in winter, but in summer the golden fields of crops sure are beautiful.
One of my favorite road trips though was one where we drove out west to the complete opposite side of South Dakota with my brother and his family to see the sites.
Protecting Your Family From the Flu This Season
Today was a very busy day for my family. My parents got up early and left to go home. Then we went to buy a new couch and chair. And then we headed over to the doctor to get our Flu Shots.
So it was very timely when I saw Twitter Moms asking their community to share with their readers that the best way to protect your family against the flu is by getting vaccinated.
Yeah, I like controversy. I bottle fed, have no problems with HFCS, and we are very pro-vaccination in our home.
Ten Tips On How To Make Your Favorite Foods Healthier
Photo Credit: *Fabrazz8 years ago I embarked on a journey that changed my life. I started Weight Watchers to lose the excess weight I had gained over the early years of my marriage. Weight Watchers is an incredible program because nothing is really off limits. The program teaches you how to eat so that you lose weight without feeling deprived, and they give you the tools that allow you to succeed at it and keep it off.
Learning how to eat healthier is a lifestyle and no one wants to give up their favorite foods to do that, so here are ten tips on how to make your favorite foods healthier:
5 Things You Can Do for Your Child to Help Keep Their Smiles Healthy and Bright
Did you know that each year, more than 51 million school hours are lost as a result of problems related to tooth decay, the most common chronic childhood disease in America [1]? In fact, tooth decay affects approximately half of all second graders and nearly 80 percent of 17-year-olds[2]. That’s why Trident® has partnered with Smiles Across America® to help underprivileged children get the dental care they need.
I got that info from Twitter Moms, and I have to say I believe that. As Amber is going through Orthodontic Treatment at the moment, we are very concerned about the health of her teeth and here are 5 simple things we do to help keep her smile healthy and bright.
Five Lessons Every Kid Should Learn
Credit David BoyleDid you see the original movie Nanny McPhee? What great learning lessons were to be had in that movie. Incorporated into fun, but still important things for us all to take away from it.
Nanny McPhee is returning, and Twitter Moms wants the blogging community to share Five Lessons Every Kid Should Learn.
Now mine aren’t listed in any particular order of importance, I think they’re all equally important!
10 Ten Tips for Saving Money for Back To School
Twitter Moms and Staples are always on the look out to save you money when shopping for school and office supplies. So they are asking the blogging community to share tips on how we save money when going back to school shopping.
Since we homeschool, we don’t have to get the “goods” right away for that “first day”, so we end up saving a lot throughout the year on supplies for schooling. Here are some of my tips:
Ten Tips for Ensuring a Healthy, Safe and Successful School Year
Twitter Moms and Airwear are asking moms to share tips on how they ensure a healthy, safe and successful school year for their children.
So here are mine:
1) Routine – A couple of weeks before school starts, begin your weekly routine. Make sure bedtime will be the time it will be when school starts. Have children wake up to their alarms, eat breakfast and get school bags by the door. That will make sure that when school starts they’re ready to go with no hassles.
How To Make Your Own Note Cards Using Glue Dots
Last summer I picked up a great score in the Target $1.00 section. They had packages of scrapbook Picnic Papers, in colorful and cute patterns. I didn’t get around to using them last year, but when I joined the Glue Dots Summer Bonding Project through Twitter Moms, I knew that they would be perfect for making little note cards to send out to my blog readers with their wins, or to thank the families that have invited us in for parties and dinners this summer.
The Aspects of My Life That Are Better Than Ever!
As moms, we are all constantly evolving. As our children grow up, our lifestyles go through many changes. Has your social scene gone from fraternity parties to dinner parties with a close-knit group of friends or neighbors? Has your living space or work situation gone through a transformation for the better? Has your style gone from drab to fab over the years?
The one thing in my life that is better than ever, is that almost 8 years ago I shed 30 lbs with Weight Watchers, and have kept it off! On a 4’9″ body frame, you can imagine how 30 extra pounds, was a big deal. I had the gumption and the perseverance to stick it out and it took me 6 months of learning how to eat right and get on an exercise plan, but it was totally worth it!
Fun Family Vacation Activities Your Kids Will Love
Here is another installment of a collection of blog posts from TwitterMoms. This time around they want bloggers to share five fun family vacation activities that our kids love. You can see more activities from bloggers where they are posting their links on this TwitterMoms discussion page.
1. Amber’s very favorite activities revolve around that Mouse that hangs out in Florida (sometimes California too I’ve heard!) He also commandeers a couple of ships that we find ourselves on every year. Cruise ships are her favorite place to vacation. Not only do the ships have an amazing amount of activities for the kids, but getting to visit and experience the sights, smells and sounds of the different ports you get to visit is fun and educational!